Adaptive control techniques in the shock wave/turbulence boundary layer interaction
Starting from the mechanism of SWTBLI(shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction)and the urgent need for flow control,the research progress of the adaptive control techniques in the SWTBLI from four aspects was summarized,namely adaptive vortex generator,adaptive bump,adaptive micro jets and adaptive secondary recirculation jet.Analysis shows that developing adaptive flow control techniques,combined with AI technology,and accelerating intelligent control schemes can be used as an important technical means for wide-speed flight of the new generation hypersonic vehicle.Specifically,it is to realize local flow acceleration/deceleration,aerodynamic thermal protection,aerodynamic control and other functions in different areas of the hypersonic vehicle by adjusting external excitation,and to establish a control feedback loop according to flow field parameters,so it can adaptively adjust the structure of the local flow field to meet the actual needs of engineering.
国防科技大学高超声速技术重点实验室,湖南长沙 410073国防科技大学高超声速技术重点实验室,湖南长沙 410073国防科技大学高超声速技术重点实验室,湖南长沙 410073国防科技大学高超声速技术重点实验室,湖南长沙 410073国防科技大学高超声速技术重点实验室,湖南长沙 410073
adaptive flow controlshock wave/turbulence boundary layer interactionhypersonic vehicleautonomous decision-makingseparationpeak heat flux
《国防科技大学学报》 2024 (2)