

Effects of Cultivation Methods on the Propagating Characteristics of Angelica sinensis SP2 Induced by Space Flight


当归3年完成正常生活史,繁种周期长,成种株率低.为提高当归新品种选育效率,将搭载"长征7号"运载火箭在太空运行22 h(命名为航归22 h)和搭载"神舟十一号"宇宙飞船在太空运行33 d(命名为航归33 d)的当归种子作为SP0种子,以未搭载种子为对照(CK),经育苗栽培获得SP2种苗.采用留苗和移栽2种栽培方式,测定进入第3年繁种年的SP2群体的种株率、农艺性状和种果重.结果表明,CK群体未能进入繁种期而被淘汰,太空诱变获得的2个群体均进入正常繁种年.航归22 h的返青株成活率较航归33 d提高14.65个百分点,成种株率提高19.7个百分点.与移栽航归33 d、留苗航归22 h和33 d群体相比较,移栽航归22 h的繁殖特性有明显改善,单株果重分别增加1 527.5%、428.2%和377.7%,根重分别增加235.3%、256.8%和265.2%,根长分别增加44.5%、36.7%和6.0%,根粗分别增加83.3%、83.7%和83.9%.航归SP2代群体性状综评指数大小依次为移栽航归22 h(0.813 3)>留苗航归33 d(0.408 3)>留苗航归22 h(0.237 8)>移栽航归33 d(0.033 4).综上,太空搭载种子对当归具有诱变效应,运载火箭搭载时间短,群体诱变效应更佳,选育效率更高;采用移栽和留苗互补栽培可保障繁种的安全性.本研究结果为当归新品系扩繁提供了科学技术依据.

Angelica sinensis(Oliv.)Diels needs 3 years to complete its normal life cycle,showing a long breeding cycle and a very low ratio of seed plants among population.In order to improve the efficiency of selecting and breeding new varieties,two sources of SP0 seeds,which were operated for 22 hours(named Hanggui 22 h)and 33 days(named Hanggui 33 d)in space using the"Long March 7"carrier rocket and the"Shenzhou 11"spacecraft,were used as the materials,with the non-operated seeds as control(CK).The SP2 seedlings were obtained through seedling cultivation.Two cultivation methods,seedling retention and transplantation,were used to measure the rate of seed plant,agronomic traits,and fruit weight of the SP2 population entering the third year of breeding.The results showed that the CK population failed to enter the breeding year and was eliminated naturally,and both populations obtained through space mutation entered the normal breeding year.The survival rate of returning green single plants after cultivation in Hanggui 22 h is 14.65 percentage higher,and the adult seed plant rate is 19.7 percentage higher than those in Hanggui 33 d.As compared with the transplanted population of Hanggui 33 d,the seedling retention population of Hanggui 22 h and 33 d populations,the transplantation population of Hanggui 22 h has significantly improved propagation characteristics,the single plant cremocarp weight increased by 1 527.5%,428.2%and 377.7%,the root weight increased by 235.3%,256.8%and 265.2%,the root length increased by 44.5%,36.7%and 6.0%,and the root diameter increased by 83.3%,83.7%and 83.9%,respectively.The comprehensive evaluation index of the SP2 population of A.sinensis was ranged as transplanting Hanggui 22 h(0.813 3)>retaining Hanggui 33 d(0.408 3)>retaining Hanggui 22 h(0.237 8)>transplanting Hanggui 33 d(0.033 4).These results indicated that space flight has mutagenic effects on A.sinensis seeds,the carrier rocket loading time is shorter,and the population effect was better and the breeding efficiency was higher;selecting complementary cultivation of transplantation and seedling retaining cultivation can ensure the safety of propagation.This study provided some references for further studies on breeding and propagation of A.sinensis.


甘肃农业大学生命科学技术学院/农学院/干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730070天津市现代中药资源研究企业重点实验室/天津天士力现代中药资源有限公司,天津 300410


Angelica sinensis(Oliv.)Dielsspace mutagenesistransplantseedling retentionbreeding

《核农学报》 2024 (005)


813-821 / 9


