

Characteristics of Icing Day in Jiangxi Province and Calculation of Maximum Standard Ice Thickness of Icing Wire at Different Return Periods for Heavy Icing Area


用江西境内85个国家气象站近30年雨凇、雾凇观测记录分析了江西省积冰日的年际、年代际变化及分布特点.结果表明江西地区的积冰天气事件近30年来总体呈现发生频次减少,强度增强的特征;高山气象站的积冰事件的发生频率显著高于平原、丘陵气象站.积冰高发区主要分布在西、北山区及中部环鄱阳湖及抚河流域以南.另外,充分考虑2011年前后气象部门观测导线线径的变化,利用建站至今16个观冰站电线积冰数据对全省范围的最大电线积冰最大标准厚度进行了推算,结果更符合电力行业对电线积冰工程气象数据的需求.结果表明,除赣北山区外,全省大部分地区2m高度电线积冰最大标准冰厚度小于20 mm,"轻冰区"范围较多.应重点关注高海拔山区的电线积冰的致灾状况并加以预防.针对该区域架空输电线路电线积冰设计的实际需要,采用极值Ⅰ型概率分布函数结合高山站-庐山站的观测数据进行了推算,20 m高度百年一遇的最大标准冰厚达到71.1 mm,在计算不同走向的导线设计冰厚时迎风向与非迎风向的比例系数推荐设定为1.2,该结果可为现阶段江西"重冰区"电力工程项目规划设计中预防冰灾提供有力支持,为有效节省项目建设成本和科学预防气象灾害之间寻求平衡点提供气象保障.

Based on the glaze and rime observation records of 85 national meteorological stations in Jiangxi Province over the past 30 years,the interannual and interdecadal variations and distribution characteristics of icing days in Jiangxi Province,as well as the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of the extreme value of wire icing thickness,were analyzed.Results show that the icing events in Jiangxi have the characteristics of decreasing frequency and increasing intensity in the past 30 years.The occurrence frequency of icing events in alpine meteorological stations is significantly higher than that in plain and hilly meteorological stations.The high-incidence areas of icing are mainly distributed in the western and northern mountainous areas and the central area around the Poyang Lake and the south of the Fuhe River Basin.In addition,Fully consider the change of observation wire diameter of meteorological department before and after 2011,The maximum standard thickness of wire ice is calculated by using the data of 16 observation stations,and the results are more in line with the demand of electric power industry for meteorological data of wire ice.The results show that the maximum standard ice thickness of wire icing on 2 m height is less than 20mm in most parts of the province except the mountainous areas in northern,and there are many"light icing area".Attention should be paid to the damage caused by the wire icing in the mountainous areas and to the precaution of them.For the practical need of the area overhead power transmission line design,the extreme value Ⅰ-type distribution function combine with Lushan mountain observation data were used to calculate the thickness of standard ice for icing wires,the maximum standard ice thickness on 20 m height by once-in-a-century is 71.1 mm,and the proportional coefficient between the windward and unwind ward is about 1.2.The above results can provide strong support for the planning and design of ice disaster prevention in Jiangxi"heavy icing area",can helps to find a balance point between saving project construction cost and scientifically preventing meteorological disaster to provide meteorological guarantee.


江西省气象科学研究所,江西 南昌 330096中国气象科学研究院,北京 100081江西省气象科学研究所,江西 南昌 330096江西省气象科学研究所,江西 南昌 330096江西省气象科学研究所,江西 南昌 330096中国气象科学研究院,北京 100081



icing daywire icingheavy icing areathickness of standard ice

《热带气象学报》 2024 (1)



