The Discovery of Oxygen and Its Philosophical Implications
Lavoisier made pivotal contributions to the discovery of oxygen.This breakthrough was reliant on a transformative shift in thought paradigms and research methodologies.Leveraging his wealth of empirical knowledge and extensive theoretical understand-ing,he meticulously examined every aspect of the phlogiston theory through the lens of objective facts.He established accurate mental frameworks,approaching new theoretical inquiries and experimental investigations with an unwaveringly critical mindset and an auda-cious spirit of innovation.Through in-depth analysis of experimental phenomena,he uncovered the inherent logical contradictions within the phlogiston theory and successfully identified oxygen,elucidating its role in combustion reactions.His precise articulation of oxygen's properties and his elucidation of the fundamental laws governing combustion phenomena were remarkable.The journey to dis-cover oxygen embodied a convergence of cognition from the specific to the general and a progression in practice from the abstract to the concrete—a dynamic interplay of facts,concepts,and language.
南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001
Lavoisierdiscovery of oxygenresearch frameworkphilosophical implications
《南华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024 (1)