

Effect of bioorganic fertilizer on soil quality and yield of continuous cropping sugar beet under reduced chemical fertilizer application


以常规施肥(化肥施用量900 kg·hm-2)为对照(CK),以化肥减施300 kg·hm-2为基础,设置生物有机肥处理(BOF1:1500 kg·hm-2、BOF2:3000 kg·hm-2、BOF3:4500 kg·hm-2、BOF4:6000 kg·hm-2、BOF5:7500 kg·hm-2),分析耕层土壤结构、养分特征、生物学特性和甜菜产量的变化,以期筛选生物有机肥在连作甜菜中的最佳施用量.结果表明:与CK相比,处理BOF1对土壤质量影响不显著;处理BOF2仅表现显著提高土壤有机质和速效钾含量;处理BOF3 土壤容重显著降低5.11%,土壤总孔隙度、有机质、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量分别显著增加5.92%、14.07%、18.35%、3.59%和14.61%;处理BOF4和BOF5对土壤质量和甜菜产量的影响基本一致,土壤容重显著降低9.33%和9.65%,土壤孔隙度、有机质、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾含量分别显著增加 10.82%和 11.19%、27.22%和 27.78%、31.62%和 35.42%、44.10%和 54.87%、22.93%和30.03%,土壤微生物生物量碳、氮显著提高22.78%~44.19%和23.81%~60.17%、2.45%~37.64%和16.74%~43.56%,土壤蔗糖酶、脲酶、碱性磷酸酶活性显著提高26.03%~38.61%和29.27%~44.71%、42.72%~63.20%和 51.59%~69.89%、3.59%~33.44%和 29.60%~38.62%,且两者在各指标间均差异不显著.与CK相比,处理BOF2、BOF3、BOF4和BOF5甜菜产量分别显著提高5.69%、11.82%、22.29%和11.95%,且处理BOF4产量显著高于处理BOF2、BOF3和BOF5,处理BOF4实现了连作甜菜种植效益增加12.79%.综上,化肥减施300 kg hm-2的基础上配施6000 kg·hm-2的生物有机肥能够实现连作甜菜土壤质量、产量和经济效益的协同提升.

We explored the effects of different fertilization treatments on soil structure,nutrient characteristics,bio-logical characteristics and yield of continuous cropping sugar beet,with the aim to screen out the best application amount of bioorganic fertilizer.With the conventional fertilization(900 kg·hm-2 chemical fertilizer)as the control(CK),we set up bioorganic fertilizer treatments(BOF1:1500 kg·hm-2;BOF2:3000 kg·hm-2;BOF3:4500 kg·hm-2;BOF4:6000 kg·hm-2;BOF5:7500 kg·hm-2)on the basis of reducing 300 kg·hm-2 chemical fer-tilizer.The results showed that the effects of BOF1 on soil quality indices were not significant.The BOF2 signifi-cantly increased the content of soil organic matter and available potassium.The BOF3 significantly reduced soil bulk density by 5.11%,significantly increased soil total porosity by 5.92%,soil organic matter by 14.07%,soil alkaline nitrogen by 18.35%,soil available phosphorus by 3.59%,and soil available potassium by 14.61%.Treatments BOF4 and BOF5 had similar effects on soil quality and beet yield.BOF4 and BOF5 significantly reduced soil bulk density by 9.33%and 9.65%,significantly increased soil porosity by 10.82%and 11.19%,soil organic matter by 27.22%and 27.78%,soil alkaline nitrogen by 31.62%and 35.42%,soil available phosphorus by 44.10%and 54.87%,soil available potassium by 22.93%and 30.03%,respectively.Both treatments significantly increased soil microbial biomass carbon by 22.78%-44.19%and 23.81%-60.17%,microbial biomass nitrogen by 2.45%-37.64%and 16.74%-43.56%,invertase activity by 26.03%-38.61%and 29.27%-44.71%,urease activity by 42.72%-63.20%and 51.59%-69.89%,alkaline phosphatase activity by 3.59%-33.44%and 29.60%-38.62%.There were no significant differences in each soil quality index between these two treatments.Compared with CK,the yield of BOF2,BOF3,BOF4 and BOF5 increased by 5.69%,11.82%,22.29%,and 11.95%,respectively.The beet yield of treatment BOF4 was significantly higher than that of BOF2,BOF3,and BOF5.Treatment BOF4 increased the economic benefits of continuous cropping sugar beet by 12.79%.In all,the application of 6000 kg· hm-2 bioorganic fertilizer can achieve the synergetic improvement of soil quality,yield and economic benefits of continuous cropping sugar beet.


内蒙古自治区农牧业科学院,呼和浩特 010031乌兰察布市农林科学研究所,内蒙古乌兰察布 012000


reduction of chemical fertilizerbioorganic fertilizercontinuous cropping sugar beetsoil qualityyieldeconomic benefit

《生态学杂志》 2024 (003)


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