

Hyperspectral estimation of SPAD in different leaf positions of waterlogged winter wheat


实时、准确获取叶绿素含量信息对及时了解农作物受害程度、指导农业生产和估测产量等具有重要意义.为探索受渍冬小麦各层叶片叶绿素相对含量(SPAD)的最优估测模型,本研究设置排灌可控的冬小麦渍害胁迫梯度微区试验,分析了15个常用高光谱特征指数与SPAD的相关关系,并对基于多元线性回归、支持向量机、BP神经网络、决策树和随机森林模型的受渍冬小麦各层叶片SPAD的估算结果进行了对比分析.结果表明:短期渍水(≤3d)对冬小麦分层叶片的SPAD值影响不明显,当渍水时间大于9 d时,SPAD值随着渍水时间的增加降低较为明显,在生长后期为0;15个高光谱特征指数与SPAD均达到极显著相关水平(P<0.05),其中Ctr2、Dy、NDVI和SIPI 4个指数与SPAD的相关性最好,其相关系数的绝对值分别达到0.880、0.868、0.868和0.833;与基于L1、L2和L3层叶片SPAD相比,基于平均SPAD的高光谱估算结果最好,其R2达到0.719;与其他4个估算模型相比,随机森林模型可较好地估算各层叶片的SPAD值,其R2、RMSE、RE分别为0.824,4.359和2.96%.可见,利用高光谱信息进行受渍冬小麦SPAD估算时可采用平均SPAD值,且基于随机森林模型的估算结果较好.

Real-time and accurate acquisition of chlorophyll content information is of great significance for timely understanding crop damage degree,guiding agricultural production,and estimating yield.To explore the optimal es-timation model for the soil and plant analyzer development(SPAD)in different leaf positions of waterlogged winter wheat,a plot experiment with a waterlogging stress gradient in winter wheat field under controlled drainage and irri-gation was established.The correlation between 15 commonly used hyperspectral indices and SPAD was analyzed.The SPAD estimation results of waterlogged winter wheat leaves were compared using hyperspectral indices com-bined with the multiple linear regression,support vector machine,BP neural network,decision tree,and random forest models.The results showed that compared with normal winter wheat,there was no significant difference for SPAD and the value of hyperspectral reflectance under short-term waterlogging(less than 3d).The SPAD was sig-nificantly decreased after more than 9 d waterlogging,and the value was close to 0 in the later growth period.The 15 hyperspectral indices were all correlated with the SPAD(P<0.05),with the correlations between SPAD and the four indices(Ctr2,Dy,NDVI and SIPI)being the highest with the absolute correlation coefficient of 0.880,0.868,0.868 and 0.833,respectively.Compared with the SPAD estimation of the L1,L2,and L3 leaves,the results of average SPAD were the best,with the R2 of 0.719.The SPAD estimation models constructed with random forest model was the best for different leaf positions,with R2,RMSE and RE of 0.824,4.359 and 2.96%,respec-tively.Therefore,the average SPAD value could be used to estimate the SPAD of waterlogged winter wheat based on hyperspectral technology,and the random forest estimation model was best.


湿地生态与农业利用教育部工程研究中心,长江大学农学院,湖北荆州 434025


hyperspectral characteristic indexSPADwinter wheatwaterloggingrandom forest model

《生态学杂志》 2024 (003)


733-740 / 8


