

Quality evaluation of Mori Folium from different producing areas based on UPLC fingerprint and multi-components determination


[目的]建立桑叶超高效液相色谱(UPLC)指纹图谱,结合化学计量学与多成分含量测定综合评价不同产地桑叶药材质量.[方法]采用CORTECS UPLC C18 色谱柱(2.1 mm×100 mm,1.6 μm),以0.1%甲酸水-乙腈为流动相在 350 nm波长下进行梯度洗脱;建立 16 批桑叶药材UPLC指纹图谱,并对指标成分进行含量测定;对指纹图谱进行相似度评价及主成分分析,利用偏最小二乘法-判别分析寻找不同产地桑叶药材的差异性成分.[结果]桑叶药材指纹图谱共标定出 14 个共有峰,通过比对标准对照品,指认出其中 8 个,分别为新绿原酸、绿原酸、咖啡酸、隐绿原酸、芦丁、异槲皮苷、山奈酚-3-O-芸香糖苷和紫云英苷;16 批药材相似度均大于 0.962,主成分分析将 16 批桑叶药材分为三类,偏最小二乘法-判别分析筛选出 5 个差异性标志物,差异显著性排序为 1 号峰(新绿原酸)>4 号峰(隐绿原酸)>3号峰(咖啡酸)>14 号峰>11 号峰.[结论]建立的综合评价方法稳定、可靠,可为桑叶药材的质量评价研究提供理论依据.

[Objective]To establish ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography(UPLC)fingerprint of Mori Folium and to comprehensively evaluate the quality of Mori Folium from different origins by combining chemo-metrics and multi-component content determination.[Methods]A CORTECS UPLC C18 column(2.1 mm×100 mm,1.6 μm)chromatographic column was employed in this study,gradient elution was performed using 0.1%formic acid water(A)-acetonitrile(B)as the mobile phase,and the detection wavelength was 350 nm.UPLC fingerprints of 16 batches of Mori Folium were established,and the contents of components were determined.The fingerprints were evaluated by similarity and principal component analysis,and partial least squares-discriminant analysis was performed to find the differential components of Mori Folium from different origins.[Results]A total of 14 common peaks were calibrated in the fingerprint of Mori Folium,and 8 of them were identified by comparison with the standards,namely,neochlorogenic acid,chlorogenic acid,caffeic acid,cryptochlorogenic acid,rutin,isoquercitrin,nicotiflorin and astragalin.The similarity of 16 batches was greater than 0.962.Principal component analysis classified the 16 batches of Mori Folium into three categories,and partial least squares-discriminant analysis screened out five markers,with the significance of differences ranked as peak 1(neochlorogenic acid)>peak 4(cryptochlorogenic acid)>peak 3(caffeic acid)>peak 14>peak 11.[Conclusion]The established comprehensive evaluation method is stable and reliable,which can provide a theoretical basis for the quality evaluation study of Mori Folium.


天津中医药大学,组分中药国家重点实验室,天津 301617||现代中医药海河实验室,天津 301617天津中医药大学,组分中药国家重点实验室,天津 301617



Mori FoliumUPLCfingerprintchemo-metricmulti-components determination

《天津中医药大学学报》 2024 (003)

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