

Design of temperature intelligent control system based on single-chip microcontroller and PID algorithm



An intelligent temperature control system is designed to improve the intelligent level of temperature control.In the system,STC89C52 microcontroller is used as the controller,and PID algorithm is used to control temperature,which has functions such as voice broadcasting and mobile remote control.DS18B20 temperature sensor is used to collect environmental temperature,the LCD12864 display circuit is designed to display real-time current temperature,upper and lower limits of temperature,and temperature status.The WT588D voice reminder circuit is designed to emit a voice reminder when the measured temperature is below or above the lower limit.The button circuit is designed to set the upper and lower temperature limits.The Bluetooth communication circuit is designed to communicate with mobile APP and achieve remote control,and the PID algorithm is used to output control variables and control solid-state relays to drive heating or cooling devices,achieving temperature control.The hardware and software design of the temperature control system are designed,and the physical object is maken,operational testing is conducted by the experiments.The experimental results show that the designed temperature control system can realize the expected effect,can effectively achieve temperature control,and is easy to operate,low-cost,and had strong application value.


黄冈师范学院 机电与智能制造学院,湖北 黄冈 438000黄冈师范学院 物理与电信学院,湖北 黄冈 438000



temperature control systemPID algorithmSTC89C52 microcontrollerLCD12864 display circuitvoice promptsBluetooth communication

《现代电子技术》 2024 (8)



