首页|期刊导航|自动化学报(英文版)|Path-Following Control With Obstacle Avoidance of Autonomous Surface Vehicles Subject to Actuator Faults

Path-Following Control With Obstacle Avoidance of Autonomous Surface Vehicles Subject to Actuator FaultsOA北大核心CSTPCDEI

Path-Following Control With Obstacle Avoidance of Autonomous Surface Vehicles Subject to Actuator Faults


This paper investigates the path-following control problem with obstacle avoidance of autonomous surface vehicles in the presence of actuator faults,uncertainty and external dis-turbances.Autonomous surface vehicles inevitably suffer from actuator faults in complex sea environments,which may cause existing obstacle avoidance strategies to fail.To reduce the influ-ence of actuator faults,an improved artificial potential function is constructed by introducing the lower bound of actuator effi-ciency factors.The nonlinear state observer,which only depends on measurable position information of the autonomous surface vehicle,is used to address uncertainties and external disturbances.By using a backstepping technique and adaptive mechanism,a path-following control strategy with obstacle avoidance and fault tolerance is designed which can ensure that the tracking errors converge to a small neighborhood of zero.Compared with exist-ing results,the proposed control strategy has the capability of obstacle avoidance and fault tolerance simultaneously.Finally,the comparison results through simulations are given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Li-Ying Hao;Gege Dong;Tieshan Li;Zhouhua Peng

School of Marine Electrical Engineering, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, ChinaSchool of Automation Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731||Navigation College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026||Yangtze Delta Region Institute (Huzhou), Huzhou 313001, China

Actuator faultsautonomous surface vehicle(ASVs)improved artificial potential functionnonlinear state observerobsta-cle avoidance

《自动化学报(英文版)》 2024 (004)


956-964 / 9

This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51939001,52171292,51979020,61976033),Dalian Outstanding Young Talents Program(2022RJ05),the Topnotch Young Talents Program of China(36261402),and the Liaoning Revitalization Talents Program(XLYC20-07188).

