

Efficacy evaluation of population breeding of Xinjiang brown cattle(meat breed lines)


为评价伊犁地区新疆褐牛肉用品系群体选育效果,选取健康状况良好、符合品种特征的新疆褐牛以及新疆褐牛肉用品系一世代、二世代进行了体尺、活体超声波等指标测定.结果:选育后的 12、24、36 月龄新疆褐牛肉用品系一世代、二世代体高、十字部高、体斜长、胸围、胸深、胸宽、尻长、腰角宽和髋宽均极显著高于同月龄新疆褐牛(P<0.01),12、24 月龄新疆褐牛肉用品系二世代胸围、体斜长均显著高于同月龄一世代(P<0.05),36 月龄新疆褐牛肉用品系二世代体高、十字部高、体斜长均极显著高于同月龄一世代(P<0.01);10、12、24、36 月龄新疆褐牛肉用品系母牛二世代肌间脂肪含量极显著高于同月龄一世代(P<0.01);6、12、18 月龄新疆褐牛肉用品系公牛二世代肌间脂肪含量极显著高于同月龄一世代(P<0.01),且 12、18 月龄背膘厚度显著低于同月龄一世代(P<0.05).综上,新疆褐牛肉用品系二世代体尺指标均优于新疆褐牛及一世代,且肌间脂肪沉积能力强于一世代.

In order to evaluate the breeding effect of Xinjiang brown beef product lines in the Yili area,brown cattle with good health and suitable breed characteristics and of the first and second generations of Xinjiang brown beef product lines were selected,and their body size and in vivo ultrasound indexes were measured.The results were as follows:The body height,cross height,oblique body length,chest circ-umference,chest depth,chest width,caudal length,waist angle width and hip width of the first and second generations of Xinjiang brown beef product lines aged 12,24 and 36 months were significantly higher than those of the same age Xinjiang brown cattle(P<0.01);the chest circumference and body diagonal length of the second generation of Xinjiang brown beef product lines at 12 and 24 months of age were significantly higher than those of the first generation at the same months of age(P<0.05);the body height,cross height and oblique length of the 36-month-old Xinjiang brown beef product lines of the second generation were significantly higher than those of the first generation of the same months of age(P<0.01);the intermuscular fat content of the cows of the Xinjiang brown beef product lines aged 10,12,24 and 36 months was significantly higher than that of the first generation(P<0.01);the intermuscular fat content of the second generation bulls of the Xinjiang brown beef product lines aged 6,12 and 18 months was significantly higher than that of the first generation of the same months of age(P<0.01);and the back fat thickness of the second generation bulls of the Xinjiang brown beef product lines at 12 and 18 months of age was significantly lower than that of the first generation at the same month of age(P<0.05).In conclusion,the body size indexes of the sec-ond generation of the Xinjiang brown beef product lines were better than those of Xinjiang brown cattle and those of the first generation of product lines;and their ability of intermuscular fat deposition was also stronger than that of the first generation.


新疆畜牧科学院畜牧研究所,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000尼勒克县畜牧兽医发展中心,新疆 尼勒克 835799



Xinjiang brown cattle(meat breed lines)in vivo ultrasound indexesbody measurementbreeding

《畜牧与兽医》 2024 (004)

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