首页|期刊导航|自动化学报(英文版)|Label Recovery and Trajectory Designable Network for Transfer Fault Diagnosis of Machines With Incorrect Annotation

Label Recovery and Trajectory Designable Network for Transfer Fault Diagnosis of Machines With Incorrect AnnotationOA北大核心CSTPCDEI

Label Recovery and Trajectory Designable Network for Transfer Fault Diagnosis of Machines With Incorrect Annotation


The success of deep transfer learning in fault diag-nosis is attributed to the collection of high-quality labeled data from the source domain.However,in engineering scenarios,achieving such high-quality label annotation is difficult and expensive.The incorrect label annotation produces two negative effects:1)the complex decision boundary of diagnosis models lowers the generalization performance on the target domain,and 2)the distribution of target domain samples becomes misaligned with the false-labeled samples.To overcome these negative effects,this article proposes a solution called the label recovery and tra-jectory designable network(LRTDN).LRTDN consists of three parts.First,a residual network with dual classifiers is to learn features from cross-domain samples.Second,an annotation check module is constructed to generate a label anomaly indicator that could modify the abnormal labels of false-labeled samples in the source domain.With the training of relabeled samples,the com-plexity of diagnosis model is reduced via semi-supervised learning.Third,the adaptation trajectories are designed for sample distri-butions across domains.This ensures that the target domain sam-ples are only adapted with the pure-labeled samples.The LRTDN is verified by two case studies,in which the diagnosis knowledge of bearings is transferred across different working conditions as well as different yet related machines.The results show that LRTDN offers a high diagnosis accuracy even in the presence of incorrect annotation.

Bin Yang;Yaguo Lei;Xiang Li;Naipeng Li;Asoke K.Nandi

Key Laboratory of Education Ministry for Modern Design and Rotor-Bearing System, the School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong Univeristy, Xi'an 710049||Hunan Provincial Key Labortory of Health Maintenance for Mechanical Equipment, Hunan Univeristy of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, ChinaKey Laboratory of Education Ministry for Modern Design and Rotor-Bearing System, Xi'an Jiaotong Univeristy, Xi'an 710049, ChinaDepartment of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Brunel University London, Uxbridge UB8 3PH, UK

Deep transfer learningdomain adaptationincor-rect label annotationintelligent fault diagnosisrotating machines

《自动化学报(英文版)》 2024 (004)

932-945 / 14

This work was supported in part by the National Key R&D Program of China(2022YFB3402100),the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China(52025056),the National Natural Science Foundation of China(52305129),the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2023M732789),the China Postdoctoral Innovative Talents Support Program(BX20230290),the Open Foundation of Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Health Maintenance for Mechanical Equipment(2022JXKF JJ01),and the Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities.

