

Analysis of the occurrence and related factors of dyslexia in 2301 school-age children in Dongli District,Tianjin


目的 了解学龄期儿童阅读障碍发生情况,探讨家庭环境与儿童发生阅读障碍之间的关系.方法 采用整群随机抽样法抽取天津市东丽区2所小学2301名3~5年级学生问卷调查,根据阅读障碍诊断标准及纳入标准筛选出阅读障碍儿童,并对阅读障碍发生的相关影响因素进行分析.结果 阅读障碍检出率为4.89%,患有阅读障碍的男女性别比例为2.3∶1.低体重儿童与正常体重儿童阅读障碍的检出率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).父母偶尔鼓励孩子看课外书籍发生阅读障碍的危险是父母经常鼓励孩子看课外书籍的儿童的7.411倍.结论 天津市东丽区儿童阅读障碍的发生率为4.89%,男生检出率高于女生;出生低体重的儿童更易发生阅读障碍;家庭环境也会影响儿童阅读.

Objective To understand the occurrence of dyslexia among school-age children,and to explore the rela-tionship between children's family environment and dyslexia.Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among 2301 grade 3~5 students from 2 primary schools in Dongli District of Tianjin by cluster random sampling method.Children with dyslexia were screened out according to the diagnostic criteria and inclusion criteria of dyslexia,and the related influencing factors of dyslexia were analyzed.Results The detection rate of children with dyslexia is 4.89%,and the gender ratio of men and women with dyslexia is 2.3∶1.There was significant difference in the detection rate of dyslexia between low birth weight children and normal weight children(P<0.05).The risk of developing dyslexia was 7.411 times higher for children whose parents encouraged their children to read extracurricular books occasionally than those whose parents encouraged their children to read extracurricular books regularly.Conclusions The incidence of dyslexia among children in Dongli District,Tianjin was 4.89%,and the detection rate of boys was higher than that of girls;Children with low birth weight were more prone to dyslexia;Children's family environment will affect children's reading.


252300 山东省聊城市眼科医院视光中心南昌洪城爱尔眼科医院眼科252300 山东省聊城市眼科医院视光中心


School-age childrenDyslexiaRelated factors

《中国斜视与小儿眼科杂志》 2024 (1)


