

Effects of Altitude on Leaf Character and Quality of Wild Artemisia Stolonifera in Dabie Mountains


目的:探究海拔对大别山区野生宽叶山蒿叶片性状和品质的影响.方法:对宽叶山蒿的叶片性状、出绒率、叶绒燃烧热解质量和叶片成分含量进行测定,利用相关性分析筛选与海拔有关联的指标,并通过主成分分析对不同海拔叶片成分进行综合评价.结果:随着海拔升高,宽叶山蒿叶长和叶宽呈先减小后增加的趋势,出绒率呈逐渐升高的趋势;除海拔 1720 m宽叶山蒿叶绒的综合燃烧特性较差、燃烧放热量较少外,各海拔叶绒的点燃性能、燃烧后的速度和稳定性、燃烧持久性、燃尽性能和燃烧过程的放热量均相似.叶片成分比较发现,海拔≤1084 m,桉油精、α-古巴烯、石竹烯和氧化石竹烯相对含量较高;海拔≥1550 m,乙酸龙脑酯、大根香叶烯D相对含量较高;海拔≥1084 m,绿原酸、隐绿原酸、异绿原酸C质量分数较高.相关性分析发现,宽叶山蒿叶片性状与海拔不相关,出绒率、大根香叶烯D相对含量、绿原酸质量分数、隐绿原酸质量分数与海拔呈正相关(P<0.01),异绿原酸C质量分数与海拔呈正相关(P<0.05),氧化石竹烯相对含量与海拔呈负相关(P<0.01).主成分分析显示,高海拔宽叶山蒿叶片成分综合得分较高.结论:不同海拔造成的环境差异可能是导致野生宽叶山蒿叶片性状、出绒率、叶绒燃烧热解质量和叶片成分差异的重要因素,高海拔更利于野生宽叶山蒿的生长.

Objective:To explore the effects of altitude on leaf character and quality of wild Artemisia stolonifera in Dabie Mountains.Methods:The leaf character,floss yield,floss burning quality and the mass fraction of leaf components of A.stolonifera were determined.Correlation analysis was used to screen the correlation indicators with altitude,and principal component analysis was carried out for comprehensive evaluation of leaf components.Results:With the increase of altitude,the leaf length and leaf width of A.stolonifera showed a trend of first decreasing and then increasing,and the floss yield presented a gradual increase.Except for the poor comprehensive combustion characteristics and little combustion heat release of A.stolonifera leaf velvet at an altitude of 1720 m,the ignition performance,speed and stability after combustion,combustion persistence,burnout performance and combustion heat release were similar at other altitudes.By comparison of the mass fraction of leaf components,it was found that eucalyptus,α-copaene,caryophyllene and caryophyllene oxide were generally higher at altitude≤1084 m;bornyl acetate and caryophyllene D were higher at altitude≥1550 m;chlorogenic acid,cryptochlorogenic acid and isochlorogenic acid C were higher at altitude≥1084 m.Correlation analysis revealed that altitude had no correlation with leaf character,but was positively related with floss yield,caryophyllene D,chlorogenic acid,cryptochlorogenic acid(P<0.01)and isochlorogenic acid C(P<0.05),and negatively related with caryophyllene oxide(P<0.01).Principal component analysis showed that the comprehensive score of leaf components of A.stolonifera at high altitudes was generally higher.Conclusion:Environmental differences due to different altitudes might be important factors contributing to varying leaf character,floss yield,floss burning quality and mass fraction of leaf components of wild A.stolonifera.This indicated that high altitude was more conducive to the growth of wild A.stolonifera.


湖北中医药大学 时珍实验室,湖北 武汉 430065江西中医药健康产业研究院,江西 南昌 330000江西中医药大学 院士工作站,江西 南昌 330000南阳理工学院 河南省张仲景方药与免疫调节重点实验室,河南 南阳 473004



Artemisia Stolonifera(Maxim.)Komar.altitudeleaf characterfloss yieldvolatile componentsflavonoidsphenolic acids

《中国现代中药》 2024 (002)

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