Effects of Combined Application of Pre-and Post-emergence Herbicides on Weeds Control Efficiency and Yield of Rapeseed(Brassia campestris L.)
针对强抗寒冬油菜生育周期长,人工除草成本高,田间杂草高效防控技术较为欠缺等问题,选用当地主栽强抗寒白菜型冬油菜(天油4号)为试验材料,选用常见苗前除草剂与苗后除草剂,分别设置3 个不同处理梯度,以清水为对照,共16 个不同配施处理组合,于2017-2018年开展了大田试验,以探究苗前与苗后除草剂对白菜型冬油菜田间杂草防效及产量的影响.结果表明,苗前除草剂单施平均总株防效40.63%,总鲜重防效51.64%,苗后除草剂单施总株防效60.94%,总鲜重防效50.75%,共施的总株防效62.33%,总鲜重防效57.23%,与苗前除草剂单施相比,共施的总株防效与鲜重防效平均提升了21.70和5.59百分点,与苗后除草剂单施相比,共施的总株防效与鲜重防效平均提升了1.39和6.48百分点.产量方面,苗前除草剂单施平均增产642.32 kg/hm2,平均增幅61.91%,苗后除草剂单施平均增产616.42 kg/hm2,增产幅度59.41%,共施处理平均增产368.52 kg/hm2,增产幅度35.52%,产量极显著增高的单施和共施处理为R3 O0 和R3 O2,分别增产1 122.78和896.78 kg/hm2,增幅分别为108.22%及86.43%.因此,可根据冬油菜田间杂草密度选择苗前除草剂R3 单施或R3 与苗后除草剂O2 共施,从而达到最高效的杂草防控效果和最显著的油菜增产目标.
Aiming at the problems such as long growth cycle of Brassia campestris L.,high cost of artificial weeding,and lack of effective weeds control technology,the main local winter rape with strong resistance to cold(Tianyou No.4)was selected as the experimental materials.Common pre-seedling herbicides and post-seedling herbicides were selected as the experimental materials,and 3 different treatment gradients were set respectively.Using clean water as control,a total of 16 different combinations were set.Field trials were conducted in 2017 and 2018 to explore the effects of pre-and post-emergence herbicides on weeds control efficiency and yield of winter rapeseed.The results showed that,the total plant control effect and the total fresh weight control effect of single pre-seedling herbicide application was 40.63% and 51.64%.The total plant control effect and the total fresh weight control effect of single post-seedling herbicide was 60.94% and 50.75%.The total plant con-trol effect and the total fresh weight control effect of combined application was 62.33% and 57.23%.Compared with the pre-seedling herbicide application alone,the total plant control effect and fresh weight control effect of co-application were increased by 21.70 and 5.59 percentage points,respectively.Compared with the post-seedling herbicide application alone,the total plant control effect and fresh weight control effect of co-application were increased by 1.39 and 6.48 percentage points,respectively.In terms of yield,the average grain yield of sole pre-herbicide increased by 61.91% with 642.32 kg/hm2 higher than the control.Similarly,average yield of sole post-herbicide increased by 59.41% with 616.42 kg/hm2 higher than the control,and co-application increased by 35.52% which was 368.52 kg/hm2 higher than the control.The high-est yield of sole and co-application treatments were R3 O0 and R3 O2 which significantly increased by 108.22% with 1 122.78 kg/hm2 added and increased by 86.43% with 896.78 kg/hm2 higher than the control,respectively.Therefore,according to weed density in the field of winter rape,the application of pre-seedling herbicide R3 alone or R3 combined with post-seedling herbicide O2 could be selected to achieve the most efficient weed control effect and the most significant increase in rapeseed yield.
甘肃省天水市农业科学研究所,甘肃天水 741001甘肃省天水市农业科学研究所,甘肃天水 741001甘肃省天水市农业科学研究所,甘肃天水 741001甘肃省天水市农业科学研究所,甘肃天水 741001甘肃省天水市农业科学研究所,甘肃天水 741001甘肃省天水市农业科学研究所,甘肃天水 741001甘肃省天水市农业科学研究所,甘肃天水 741001甘肃省天水市农业科学研究所,甘肃天水 741001甘肃省天水市农业科学研究所,甘肃天水 741001甘肃省天水市农业科学研究所,甘肃天水 741001
Winter rapeseed(Brassia campestris L.)WeedsHerbicidesEfficiencyYield
《安徽农业科学》 2024 (7)
天水市科技支撑计划(2021-NCK-3506)2021 年现代丝路寒旱农业科技支撑项目(GSLK-2021-12)天水市科技支撑计划(2021-NCK-2888)甘肃省陇原青年创新创业人才(团队)项目(2022LQTD22)甘肃省青年科技基金计划(22JR5RE1037).