Climate Change Trend in Guangchang County from 1973 to 2022
基于 1973-2022 年广昌县域气温、降水量和日照时数地面气象观测数据,通过线性气候倾向率分析、M-K突变检验分析和滑动t检验分析方法,对过去 50 年广昌县域气候变化趋势进行分析.结果表明:过去50 年广昌县域年际平均气温呈显著性上升趋势,上升率为 0.28℃/10 a,且 2001 年为突变年;年际累计降水量呈非显著性下降趋势,下降率为 1.56 mm/10 a;年际总日照时数呈非显著性下降趋势,下降率为 35.49 h/10 a.
Based on the surface meteorological data of temperature,precipitation and sunshine duration in Guangchang County from 1973 to 2022,the climate change trend in Guangchang County in the past 50 years was analyzed by linear climate tendency rate analysis,M-K sudden change test analysis and sliding t test analysis.The results showed that the annual mean temperature in Guangchang County had a significant increasing trend in the past 50 years,and the increasing rate was 0.28℃/10 a,and 2001 was a sudden change year.The annual cumulative precipitation showed a non-significant decreasing trend,and the decreasing rate was 1.56 mm/10 a.The annual total sunshine duration showed a non-significant decreasing trend,and the decreasing rate was 35.49 h/10 a.
广昌县气象局,江西广昌 344900广昌县气象局,江西广昌 344900广昌县气象局,江西广昌 344900广昌县气象局,江西广昌 344900
气温降水量日照时数变化趋势江西广昌1973-2022 年
temperatureprecipitationsunshine durationchange trendGuangchang Jiangxi1973-2022
《现代农业科技》 2024 (8)