Research on the Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Youth Sharing Community: Based on the Empirical Analysis of Shanghai
城市新经济要素带来的空间流动性促使以"共享"为主题的青年共享社区应运而生.研究以上海市为实证研究对象,基于核密度分析、Moran's I指数等多种方法探讨了青年共享社区的空间分布特征.结果表明,青年共享社区在城市中的分布表现出趋向城市中心、创意产业功能区和主要轨道交通干线分布的特征.同时,在新冠肺炎疫情和住房市场两极分化加剧的冲击下,必须重新审视流动性对共享社区的影响,推动社区资源进一步向青年群体倾斜.
The spatial mobility brought by urban new economic factors has led to the emergence of youth sharing community themed "sharing". This paper takes Shanghai as the empirical research object, and discusses the spatial distribution characteristics of youth sharing community based on kernel density analysis, Moran's I index and other methods. The results show that the distribution of youth sharing community tends to distribute around the urban center, creative industry functional areas and main rail transit lines. At the same time, under the impact of COVID-19 and the increasing polarization of the housing market, we must re-examine the impact of mobility on shared communities and further promote the community resources tilt towards young people.
sharing communityspatial distributionyouth cultureShanghai City
《城市建筑》 2024 (5)