

A LCC-DR Hybrid HVDC System Topology Suitable for Island Wind-Power Transmission


为实现沙漠、戈壁、荒漠地区孤岛风电的大规模汇集与远距离输送,提出了一种兼顾直流故障穿越与经济性的基于电网换相换流器-二极管整流器(line commutated converter-diode rectifier,LCC-DR)的混合型输电系统.文章首先介绍了混合型输电系统的拓扑结构,该系统送端采用电网换相换流器(line commutated converter,LCC)与二极管整流器(diode rectifier,DR)串联,从而接入大规模风电基地.随后建立了系统数学模型,并设计了协调控制方案.针对直流故障与交流故障,分析了故障期间系统的运行情况并为系统设计了故障穿越策略,保障系统的稳定运行.为验证控制策略的有效性,在PSCAD/EMTDC中建立了LCC-DR混合型输电系统模型并开展稳态与暂态运行特性仿真.研究结果表明,该系统可有效实现沙戈荒地区新能源的大规模远距离输送.

An LCC-DR hybrid HVDC transmission system that considers DC fault ride-through and economy is proposed herein to achieve large-scale centralized and long-distance transmission of island wind power in the Gobi Desert.First,the topology of the hybrid transmission system is introduced.The system uses LCC and DR in series to integrate a large-scale wind power base.Subsequently,a mathematical model of the system is established,and a control scheme is designed based on it.Under DC and AC faults,the operation of the system is analyzed,and a fault ride-through strategy is designed to ensure the stable operation of the system.To verify the effectiveness of the control strategy,an LCC-DR hybrid transmission system model is established in PSCAD/EMTDC,and the steady-state and transient operation characteristics are simulated.The results show that the system can effectively realize the large-scale and long-distance transmission of renewable energy in the Gobi Desert.


国网经济技术研究院有限公司,北京市 102209强电磁技术全国重点实验室(华中科技大学电气与电子工程学院),武汉市 430074



island wind powerhybrid HVDC transmission systemdiode rectifier unitgrid forming controlAC/DC fault ride-through

《电力建设》 2024 (004)

46-56 / 11

This work is supported by State Grid Corporation of China Research Program(No.5100-202156581A-0-5-SF).国家电网公司科技项目"混合级联直流系统设计可靠性提升技术研究"(5100-202156581A-0-5-SF)

