

Characteristics of VSG Grid-Connected System Oscillation Considering the Interaction Between Inner and Outer Loops


虚拟同步发电机(virtual synchronous generator,VSG)不同时间尺度控制环节之间存在交互作用,导致VSG并网系统振荡环节的动态特性尚不明确.针对这一问题,选取时间常数作为主导特征,提取影响内外环交互作用的关键因素,建立了考虑内外环交互作用的VSG并网系统降阶模型,并将降阶模型在平衡点处线性化得到类Heffron-Phillips稳定分析模型;基于阻尼转矩法分析了不同内环控制参数、线路运行参数下VSG并网系统的振荡特性;进一步分析了内外环交互作用与线路电磁暂态相互作用引入的振荡模态及其关键影响因素;最后,在Matlab/Simulink中搭建模型,通过时域输出验证了降阶模型的有效性以及考虑内外环交互作用的VSG并网振荡特性理论分析的正确性.

The dynamic characteristics and stability mechanism of a VSG grid-connected system are not sufficiently clear because of the interaction between the different timescale controls of the VSG.A time constant was selected as the leading feature to solve this problem.The critical factors influencing the interaction between the inner and outer rings were extracted,and a reduced-order model of a VSG grid-connected system was established.The established reduced-order model was further linearized at the equilibrium point to obtain a similar Heffron-Phillips stability analysis model.Based on the damping torque method,the oscillation characteristics of the VSG grid-connected system at different inner loop control parameters and grid strengths were analyzed.The oscillation modes introduced by the interaction between the inner and outer loops and the electromagnetic transient interaction of the line and its key influencing factors were further analyzed.Finally,a model was established in Matlab/Simulink,and the effectiveness of the reduced-order model and the correctness of the theoretical analysis of VSGgrid-connected oscillation characteristics,considering the interaction between the inner and outer loops,were verified.


新能源电力系统全国重点实验室(华北电力大学),北京市 102206国网湖北省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,武汉市 430077



virtual synchronizationmultiple time scalesreduced-order modelinner-outer loop interactionsubsynchronous oscillation

《电力建设》 2024 (004)

66-76 / 11

This work is supported by National Key R&D Program of China(No.2021YFB2400800)and State Grid Corporation of China Research Program(No.5100-202199536A-0-5-ZN).国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFB2400800);国家电网公司总部科技项目(5100-202199536A-0-5-ZN)

