

Feasibility Analysis of Power Equipment Condition Monitoring Method Based on Broadband Vibration Sensor


宽频振动信号包括1 Hz~20 kHz的低频振动信号和20~500 kHz的高频超声信号.近年来,利用振动信号对变压器、电容器、电抗器等电力设备进行状态检测的手段日益成熟,超声信号也可以很好地检测出电力设备中的局部放电并定位,均已有较为成熟的应用.文中提出了基于宽频振动传感器的电力设备状态监测方法,并使用该传感器同时测量了脉冲振动源的振动以及油纸绝缘针板电极局部放电的超声,借助仿真对超声时延进行了修正,对局部放电进行了识别,并与脉冲电流法所得结果进行了对比.结果表明,所提出的监测方法可以很好地监测到振动和超声,并实现局部放电的识别,该方法应用于电力设备状态监测是可行的.

Broadband vibration signal includes both low frequency vibration signal within 1 Hz-20 kHz and high fre-quency ultrasonic signal within 20-500 kHz.In recent years,the method of using vibration signal to detect the state of such power equipment as transformer,capacitor and reactor is more and more mature.Using ultrasonic signal to detect and locate partial discharge of power equipment has also been an expertly application.In this paper,the condi-tion monitoring method based on broadband vibration sensor is proposed.The vibration of the pulsed vibration source and the ultrasonic of partial discharge of the oil-paper insulated needle board electrode are measured simultaneously by the sensor.The ultrasonic time delay is corrected by simulation.The partial discharge is identified and compared with the results obtained by pulse current method.The results show that the proposed monitoring method can detect vibration and ultrasonic well and achieve the identification of partial discharge.The method proposed is feasible for the condition monitoring of power equipment.


国网河北省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,石家庄 050000西安交通大学电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室,西安 710049


broadband vibrationcondition monitoringvibration signalultrasonic signalcomposite sensor

《高压电器》 2024 (004)

83-91 / 9

国网河北省电力有限公司科技项目(SGHEDK00DYJS2000250). Project Supported by Science and Technology Program of State Grid Hebei Electric Power Co.,Ltd.(SGHEDK00DYJS2000250).

