

Study on Interruption Characteristics and Suppression Measures of TRV of High-capacity Generator Circuit Breaker


发电机断路器(GCB)位于发电机组和升压变压器之间,针对负荷电流高达50 kA、故障电流高达200 kA以上的大容量机组,GCB传导和开断电流远高于线路断路器,在开断过程中,GCB两端会产生非常严重的瞬态恢复过电压,威胁GCB的可靠性.文中基于某大型核电站的实际接线,单机容量为1 722.2 MVA,利用EMTP-RV仿真计算研究了GCB在各种故障下开断时的TRV的电磁暂态特性,分析配置不同容量电容器对TRV幅值和陡度的影响效果.提出了采用辅助断口装设非线性阻尼电阻抑制TRV的方法,并给出了非线性阻尼电阻参数选取原则,并通过仿真验证了其可行性,针对失步故障非线性阻尼电阻可使TRV幅值降低29.2%,具有更高的灵活性与经济性.

Generator circuit breaker(GCB)is located between the generator set and booster transformer.For high ca-pacity units with load current up to 50 kA and fault current up to 200 kA,the current conducted and interrupted by the GCB is far above that of line circuit breaker.During the interruption period,very serious transient recovery over voltage is generated on both sides of the GCB,threatening reliability of GCB.Based on the actual wiring of a large nu-clear power station with capacity of sing unit at 1 722.2 MVA,the electromagnetic transient characteristics of TRV,in case of interruption of GCB at various faults,is calculated and studied by the use of EMPT-RV simulation and the influence effect of capacitor with different capacity configuration on amplitude and steepness of TRV is analyzed.The method of suppressing TRV by adding non-linear damping resistor of auxiliary open contacts is proposed,the princi-ple of parameter selection of the non-linear damping resistor is given and its feasibility is verified by simulation.As for the out of step fault,the non-linear damping resistor can reduce the TRV amplitude by 29.2%,which has higher flexibility and economic performance.


国核电力规划设计研究院有限公司,北京 100089西安交通大学电气工程学院,西安 710049||国网冀北电力科学研究院(华北电力科学研究院有限责任公司),北京 100045西安交通大学电气工程学院,西安 710049


high capacity generatorgenerator circuit breakertransient recovery over-voltageout of step faultthree phase short circuitnonlinear damping resistor

《高压电器》 2024 (004)

92-100,130 / 10

国家电力投资集团有限公司科技项目(大型先进压水堆核电厂发电机断路器成套装置工程应用技术研究). Project Supported by Science and Technology Project of State Power Investment Group Co.,Ltd.(Research on the Application Technology of the Complete Set of Generator Circuit Breakers for Large Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants).

