Low dose arecoline enhanced mouse physiological memory and improved memory impairment
目的 探索槟榔碱对小鼠生理性记忆及MK-801 诱导后记忆障碍的影响.方法 将 24 只小鼠随机均分成对照组、低剂量槟榔碱组和高剂量槟榔碱组,采用新颖物体识别测试(NOR)和物体位置识别测试(OLR)的辨别指数(DI)分析槟榔碱对小鼠生理性记忆的影响.另将32 只小鼠随机均分成正常组、MK-801 组、MK-801 联合低剂量槟榔碱饮用组(L-ARE治疗组)、MK-801 联合高剂量槟榔碱饮用组(H-ARE治疗组),采用NOR、OLR的DI分析槟榔碱对MK-801 所致小鼠记忆障碍的影响.结果 与对照组比较,低剂量槟榔碱组小鼠NOR、OLR的DI显著升高(P<0.05);但高剂量槟榔碱组与对照组比较,差异无显著性(P>0.05).与正常组比较,MK-801 组NOR、OLR的DI降低(P<0.05);与MK-801 组比较,L-ARE治疗组小鼠DI显著升高(P<0.05),H-ARE治疗组小鼠的DI亦有升高,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 低剂量槟榔碱能够增强小鼠生理性记忆并且改善记忆障碍.
Aim To explore the effects of arecoline on physiological memory and MK-801-induced memory impairment in mice.Methods 24 mice were randomly divided into control group,low-dose arecoline group and high-dose arecoline group.The effects of arecoline on physiological memory were analyzed by using discrimination index(DI)according to novel object recognition(NOR)task and object location recognition(OLR)task.In addition,32 mice were randomly divided into normal group,MK-801 group,MK-801 combined with low-dose arecoline drinking group(L-ARE treatment group),and MK-801 combined with high-dose arecoline drinking group(H-ARE treatment group).The effects of arecoline on MK-801-induced memory impairment in mice were analyzed by using DI of NOR,OLR.Results Compared with the control group,the DI of NOR,OLR in low-dose arecoline group was significantly increased(P<0.05).However,there was no significant difference between high dose arecoline group and control group(P>0.05).Compared with normal group,the DI of NOR,OLR in MK-801 group were decreased(P<0.05).Compared with MK-801 group,the DI of mice in L-ARE treatment group was significantly increased(P<0.05).Meanwhile,the DI in H-ARE treatment group was also increased,but there was no statistical difference(P>0.05).Conclusion Low doses of arecoline can enhance memory performance in mice under physiological conditions and improve memory impairment.
南华大学衡阳医学院附属第一医院重症医学科,湖南衡阳 421001南华大学衡阳医学院附属第一医院重症医学科,湖南衡阳 421001南华大学衡阳医学院附属第一医院重症医学科,湖南衡阳 421001中南林业科技大学,湖南长沙 410004南华大学衡阳医学院附属第一医院重症医学科,湖南衡阳 421001||湖南农业大学园艺学院,湖南长沙 410125
arecolinememory disordermicephysiological memory
《中南医学科学杂志》 2024 (2)