International S&T Cooperation Programs and Their Fund Allocation of U.S.
As the world's top scientific and technological power,the United States has always attached great importance to international scientific and technological cooperation and paid attention to the formulation and implementation of international scientific and technological cooperation programs.As far as the federal government of the United States is concerned,the science and technology programs that can be undertaken by foreign institutions are mainly divided into four categories,featuring"America first,clear goals,and strict supervision".The relevant essence and logic of overall coordination and national interests supremacy revealed behind them can be considered and used for reference by China in international scientific and technological cooperation with regard to fostering new patterns and advancing key tasks in the new era.
威海高新区科技创新局,山东威海 264209中国科学院文献情报中心,北京 100190
the United Statesthe federal governmentinternational science and technology cooperation programs
《全球科技经济瞭望》 2024 (1)