

Characteristics and Genetic Mechanism of Karst Heat Reservoir in the Middle Part of Southwest Buried Uplift in Shandong Province



The differences of karst heat storage and burial depth are obvious in the southwest of Shandong province.On the basis of regional geological research and ground survey,two geothermal wells of 1398m and 2309m have been constructed in the southern part of Jiaxiang uplift and Yutai depression.The charac-teristics of karst heat storage in the area have been analyzed by means of geothermal field measurement,geophysics exploration,geothermal well drilling,pumping test and water quality analysis.Most of the faults in the central part of the southwest of Shandong subduction uplift are water-conducting and heat-conducting faults,and the faults and fissures are main thermal reservoirs in the study area.The geother-mal gradient of coal measures is more than 2.3 ℃/100m,and that of Ordovician is about 4 ℃/100m.The productivity of single geothermal well is 4049.72kW and 1431.32 kW respectively,and the equivalent coal-saving capacity of geothermal water in one year is 7262.73t/a and 2686.79 t/a respectively.The results can provide some references for the exploitation and protection of geothermal resources in southwestern Shandong province.


山东省国土空间生态修复中心,山东济南 250013山东省自然资源资料档案馆,山东济南 250013山东省鲁南地质工程勘察院(山东省地质矿产勘查开发局第二地质大队),山东 济宁 272100山东省物化探勘查院,山东济南 250013



Geothermalkarst geothermal reservoirgenetic mechanismYutai depressionsouthwest bur-ied uplift in Shandong province

《山东国土资源》 2024 (003)

109-115 / 7


