

Anatomical study of dorsal perforating branch of the anterior interosseous artery


目的 观察骨间前动脉背侧穿支的数量、起始处管径、供养范围及其与骨间后动脉分支的吻合情况.方法 新鲜成人前臂标本13侧,红色乳胶灌注动脉并凝固后,解冻标本进行解剖.取10侧前臂标本,去除前臂皮肤、前臂屈肌后,显露骨间前动脉及其背侧穿支,测量并记录骨间前动脉背侧穿支的数量、起始处管径.沿桡侧腕屈肌和指伸肌的间隙向深层解剖,观测骨间前动脉背侧穿支的数量及其对前臂背侧伸肌的供养范围.取13侧前臂标本,解剖后在前臂背侧浅层伸肌的肌间隙、深层伸肌的肌间隙以及深浅两层伸肌之间的肌间隙中,观察骨间前动脉背侧穿支与骨间后动脉的分支吻合情况.结果 10侧标本合计有骨间前动脉背侧穿支94支,每侧标本骨间前动脉背侧穿支数量7~12(9.4±1.5)支,起始处管径0.21~1.56(0.70±0.34)mm.骨间前动脉背侧穿支穿过骨间膜后主要供养前臂背侧深层伸肌,在前臂远端三分之一还发出肌支供养指伸肌、小指伸肌.13侧标本中,骨间前动脉背侧穿支与骨间后动脉分支之间单支吻合7侧、双支吻合5侧、无吻合1侧.结论 骨间前动脉背侧穿支数量较多且起始处管径较粗大,主要供养前臂背侧深层伸肌、指伸肌、小指伸肌.骨间前动脉背侧穿支与骨间后动脉分支之间有单支吻合、双支吻合以及无吻合3种情况.

Objective To observe the number of dorsal perforating branches of the anterior interosseous artery,the diameter of its origin canal,its extent of supply,and its anastomosis with branches of the posterior interosseous ar-tery.Methods Thirteen fresh adult forearm specimens were thawed and dissected after perfusion of red latex for ar-tery visualization.The forearm skin and flexor muscles were removed from ten specimens to expose the anterior interos-seous artery and its dorsal perforating branch.The number and diameter of the dorsal perforating branches of the anteri-or interosseous artery at its origin were measured and recorded.By dissecting deeper along the gap between the radial wrist flexor and finger extensor muscles,the number of dorsal branches of the anterior interosseous artery and their sup-ply to the dorsal extensor muscles of the forearm were observed.Additionally,thirteen forearm specimens were dissect-ed to observe the anastomosis between the dorsal perforating branches of the anterior interosseous artery and the branch-es of the posterior interosseous artery in the gaps between the dorsal superficial extensor muscles,deep extensor mus-cles,and between the deep and superficial extensor muscles.Results The total number of dorsal perforating branch-es of the anterior interosseous artery was 94 in the ten specimens,with a range of 7 to 12 branches(mean of 9.4±1.5 branches)per side.The diameter of the canal at the beginning ranged from 0.21 to 1.56 mm(mean of 0.70±0.34 mm).The dorsal perforating branches of the anterior interosseous artery primarily supplied the dorsal deep extensor muscles of the forearm and also provided branches to the extensors of the digits in the distal one-third of the forearm.Among the thirteen specimens,there were seven instances of single anastomosis,five instances of double anastomosis,and one case of non-anastomosis between the dorsal perforating branch of the anterior interosseous artery and the branch of the posterior interosseous artery.Conclusions The dorsal branches of the anterior interosseous artery,which were more numerous and had a larger diameter at the beginning,primarily supplied the dorsal deep extensor muscles,exten-sor digitorum superficialis,and extensor digitorum profundus of the forearm.Anastomosis between the dorsal branches of the anterior interosseous artery and branches of the posterior interosseous artery could occur as single or double anas-tomoses,or may be absent.


山东大学医学融合与实践中心,济南 250014||山东第一医科大学附属省立医院(山东省立医院)手足与显微重建外科山东第一医科大学附属省立医院(山东省立医院)手足与显微重建外科咸阳市中心医院骨三科(手足外科)山东省立第三医院创伤与手足外科



anterior interosseous arterydorsal perforating branch of anterior interosseous arteryposterior interos-seous arteryperforating vesselsinterosseous membranemicroanatomy

《山东医药》 2024 (009)

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