

Anatomical of Shaochong acupoint


目的 探寻少冲穴的实体解剖.方法 ①检索读秀学术搜索、《中华医典》古籍数据库,查阅包含少冲穴定位的古籍,整理归纳古人对少冲穴定位的描述.②选取30名志愿者,根据古代文献中少冲穴的定位进行体表按压,确定出现穴感位置并标记.③选取10名志愿者,根据古籍整理归纳的穴位定位,在手指按压标记区域及其周边不同深度、方向针刺,确定出现穴感时针尖所在位置.④选取新鲜成人上肢标本10侧,根据手指按压与针刺所确定的少冲穴位置进行显微解剖,探寻穴位的实体解剖结构.⑤选取10名志愿者,针刺少冲穴出现穴感时,用B超确认针尖所在位置.⑥选取10名志愿者,超声显像仪找到解剖所发现的少冲穴实体解剖结构,B超引导下针刺验证少冲穴位置.结果 ①古籍描述少冲穴位于小指内廉之端,去爪甲角如韭叶.②体表按压出现穴感的位置在小指桡侧指甲角与末节指骨基底桡背侧隆突之间的凹陷处.③针刺小指桡侧指甲角与末节指骨基底桡背侧隆突之间的凹陷处指骨表面时穴感最明显.④显微解剖发现少冲穴处有骨滋养血管进入小指末节指骨基底桡背侧骨凹陷中.⑤针刺少冲穴出现穴感时,针尖位于小指末节指骨基底桡背侧骨门处.⑥B超下证实小指末节指骨基底桡背侧骨门处是少冲穴实体解剖结构所在部位.结论 少冲穴的实体解剖结构位于小指末节指骨基底桡背侧骨门处.

Objective To investigate the anatomical of the Shaoshang acupoint.Methods ① We summarized the ancient descriptions of the Shaochong acupoint by searching the Duxiu Academic and Chinese Medical Canon database and reviewing ancient texts containing the location of the Shaochong acupoint.② Thirty volunteers were selected,and based on the positioning of the Shaochong acupoint in ancient literature,fingertip pressure was applied on the body surface to de-termine the location of acupoint sensation and then we marked it accordingly.③ Ten volunteers were selected,and based on the acupoint positioning summarized in ancient texts,acupuncture was performed at different depths and directions around the marked area of fingertip pressure to determine the location of the needle tip when acupoint sensation occurred.④ Micro-dissection was conducted on ten sides of fresh adult upper limb specimens based on the Shaochong acupoint location deter-mined by fingertip pressure and acupuncture to explore the anatomical structure of the acupoint.⑤ Ten volunteers were se-lected.When acupoint sensation occurred during acupuncture at the Shaochong acupoint,the location of the needle tip was confirmed using B-ultrasound.⑥ Ten volunteers were selected,and under the guidance of B-ultrasound,the physical structure of the Shaochong acupoint discovered by anatomy was identified,and acupuncture was conducted to verify the po-sition of the Shaochong acupoint.Results ① According to ancient texts,the Shaochong acupoint was located at the end of the ulnar side of the little finger,resembling the tip of a leek leaf.② The location where acupoint sensation appeared up-on fingertip pressure was in the depression between the ulnar side of the little finger's nail corner and the dorsal prominence of the base of the distal phalanx.③ Acupoint sensation was most pronounced when acupuncture was performed on the sur-face of the bone between the ulnar side of the little finger's nail corner and the dorsal prominence of the base of the distal phalanx.④ Microdissection revealed that the Shaochong acupoint was where nutrient blood vessels entered the depression on the dorsal side of the base of the distal phalanx of the little finger.⑤ When acupoint sensation occurred during acupunc-ture at the Shaochong acupoint,the needle tip was located at the hilum of the dorsal side of the base of the distal phalanx of the little finger.⑥ B-ultrasound confirmed that the hilum of the dorsal side of the base of the distal phalanx of the little fin-ger was the anatomical structure of the Shaochong acupoint.Conclusion The anatomical structure of the Shaochong acu-point is located at the hilum of the dorsal side of the base of the distal phalanx of the little finger.


咸阳市中心医院骨三科,咸阳 712000纽约中医学院山东中医药大学中医文献与文化研究院山东第一医科大学附属省立医院山东第一医科大学研究生院



Shaochong acupointanatomical structureacupoint sensationmicrodissectionhilum of bone

《山东医药》 2024 (009)

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