

Comparative study on regional temperature simulation in China by different resolution CWRF models


针对现有区域气候模式分辨率较为粗糙的现状,瞄准精细化气候预测和服务的需求,基于30 km分辨率CWRF区域气候模式研发了水平分辨率和下垫面信息进一步精细化至15 km的新版本模式,利用欧洲中期预报中心的ERA-Interim大气再分析资料和美国的OISSTv2 海表面温度资料驱动两种版本的CWRF模式,与中国均一化气温数据集CN05.1 的观测数据相比,系统分析了CWRF模式对 1982-2016 年中国区域2 m气温的模拟效果及其对水平分辨率和下垫面信息的敏感性.结果表明:单纯修改模式的下垫面信息,不提高模式分辨率,对模拟结果的影响不大;将分辨率提高至15 km的CWRF模式对地形复杂区域的气温模拟效果更好,对气温的空间分布、年际变化以及极端气温的模拟都有较好的表现.从气候平均气温分布看,与 30 km CWRF模式相比,在春、秋、冬季西南地区和青藏高原,以及夏季西南、华南、华中等冷偏差较为显著的地区,15 km模式模拟结果将冷偏差减小到1℃以内;从气温年际变化来看,15 km模式对夏季华中、华北和东北南部地区及冬季气温的模拟结果优于30 km模式,相关系数最高提升0.4;在极端事件的模拟方面,与 30 km模式相比,15 km模式对于在华南到福建、江西、湖南、湖北东部的夏季日数极大值区域模拟具有较大的改善,均方根误差减小 1 d;对于新疆东部、东北的极端高温和新疆、青藏高原、华南的极端低温模拟也有明显改善,均方根误差减小1℃.因此,高分辨率区域气候模式有利于提高中国气温的精细化模拟能力.

Based on the 30 km CWRF regional climate model,a new model was developed with a horizontal resolution further refined to 15 km.ERA-Interim atmospheric reanalysis data from the European Center for Medium Range Forecasts and OISSTv2 sea surface temperature data from the United States were used to drive two CWRF models.Compared with the observed data of China's homogenized air temperature dataset CN05.1,the simulation effect of CWRF models on 2 m-air temperature over China during 1982-2016 and its sensitivity to horizontal resolution were systematically analyzed.The results show that simply modifying the underlying surface information of the model has little effect on the simulation results without improving the model resolution,the 15 km resolution CWRF model has a better simulation effect on the temperature in the complex terrain area,and has a better performance on the spatial distribution,inter-annual variation and extreme temperature simulation.From the perspective of climate mean temperature distribution,the 15 km model reduces the cold deviation to less than 1℃in spring,autumn and winter over Southwest China and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,and Southwest,South China and Central China in summer,where the cold deviation is more significant simulated by the 30 km CWRF model.From the perspective of inter-annual temperature variation,the simulation results of 15 km model over Central China,North China and southern Northeast China in summer and winter are better than those of 30 km model,and the correlation coefficient increases by 0.4 at the highest.In terms of the simulation of extreme events,compared with the 30 km model,the 15 km model has a great improvement in the simulation of the maximum number of days with the annual daily maximum temperature>25℃from South China to Fujian,Jiangxi,Hunan and eastern Hubei,the root mean square error decreases by 1 d,and the extreme high and low temperature in eastern Xinjiang,Northeast China,the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and South China are also significantly improved,the root mean square error is reduced by 1℃.Therefore,higher resolution regional climate models are helpful to improve the precision simulation ability of temperature in China.


中国气象局气候预测研究重点开放实验室,国家气候中心,北京 100081中山大学大气科学学院,珠海 519082中国气象局气候预测研究重点开放实验室,国家气候中心,北京 100081||南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心,南京 210044


ChinaRegional modelHorizontal resolutionTemperatureExtreme events

《气候变化研究进展》 2024 (002)

129-145 / 17


