Study on the Deformation Performance of Fully-graded Compacted Concrete with Gabbro Aggregates
In order to investigate the deformation characteristics of fully-graded compacted concrete formed by gabbro aggregate,the deformation performances,including the ultimate tensile deformation,dry shrinkage deformation,autogenous volume deformation and creep deformation of large specimens of gabbro fully-graded compacted concrete are tested,and the development law of deformation properties with the age of curing as well as the model for the evolution of deformation properties are investigated.The results show that:(a)the long-age ultimate tensile value of full-graded compacted concrete with gabbro aggregate ranges from 60µε to 70με,and the evolution of ultimate tensile value conforms to the logarithmic model;(b)the one-year-age dry shrinkage of the concrete ranges from 300µε to 350µε,and the development rate of dry shrinkage has a logarithmic correlation with the age of curing;(c)the one-year-age autogenous volumetric deformation is less than-10με,and it is the shrinkage type with a low deformation value;and(d)the creep value is lower than that of RCC in similar projects,and the development law of creep degree under each age conforms to the hyperbolic development model.
中国电建集团中南勘测设计研究院有限公司,湖南 长沙 410014华能澜沧江水电股份有限公司,云南 昆明 650209华能澜沧江水电股份有限公司,云南 昆明 650209水利部交通运输部国家能源局南京水利科学研究院,江苏 南京 210029水利部交通运输部国家能源局南京水利科学研究院,江苏 南京 210029
compacted concrete gravity damgabbro aggregatefully-graded concretedeformation performanceevolution law
《水力发电》 2024 (4)