Study on Callus Differentiation Culture of Hemerocallis fulva
为了解决萱草愈伤组织仅生长增大并未分化出芽的问题,提高其繁殖系数,采用不同浓度配比的 6-BA和IBA为外源激素,对选育的JH2-2 萱草继代培养的愈伤组织接种培养,并对不同颜色的愈伤组织制成石蜡切片进行观察.结果表明:在接种培养的第6 天开始有小绿芽自愈伤组织上分化而出,第 21 天愈伤组织的分化率达到最大值,同时部分愈伤组织出现玻璃化,且后续没有分化发芽迹象.外源激素 6-BA比IBA对萱草愈伤组织的分化影响更大.适合萱草愈伤组织进行分化培养的培养基比例组合为:MS+蔗糖 30 g·L-1+琼脂 6 g·L-1+6-BA 1.0 mg·L-1+IBA 0.2 mg·L-1,pH值为 6.5,分化率达 100%.对不同颜色的萱草愈伤组织制成石蜡切片进行观察,结果发现其中一种为胚性愈伤组织,外形呈球形颗粒状,细胞排列整齐、紧密,细胞核染色较深;另一种为非胚性愈伤组织,外形松软粗糙无固定形状,细胞大小不均匀且无固定形状,细胞核不明显.在萱草的组织培养过程中,可以优先考虑接种乳白色和绿色的活性高的愈伤组织,对于提高萱草的分化率和繁殖率具有重要意义.本研究结果可为优化萱草离体快繁技术体系,进一步创造新品种提供一定的技术支撑.
In order to solve the problem that Hemerocallis fulva healing tissues only grew and did not differentiate into buds,and to improve the reproduction coefficient,the healing tissues of selected JH2-2 hemerocallis successional culture were inoculated and cul-tured by using different ratios of exogenous hormones of 6-BA and IBA,and the healing tissues with different colours of healing tis-sues were made into paraffin slices for observation.The experimental results showed that on the 6th day of inoculation and culture,small green buds began to differentiate from the injured tissue one after another.On the twenty-first day,the differentiation rate of callus reached the maximum one after another.At the same time,some callus appeared vitrification,and there was no sign of differen-tiation and germination in the follow-up.The exogenous hormone 6-BA had a greater effect on the differentiation of hemerocallis than IBA.The proportion of medium suitable for differentiation culture of hemerocallis was MS+sucrose 30 g·L-1+agar 6 g·L-1+6-BA 1.0 mg·L-1+IBA 0.2 mg·L-1,pH Value was 6.5,and the differentiation rate reached 100%under this condition.It was found that one of them was embryogenic callus,which was spherical and granular in shape,the cells were arranged neatly and closely,and the nuclei were stained deeply.The other was non embryogenic callus,with soft and rough appearance,no fixed shape,uneven cell size and no fixed shape,and unclear nucleus.In the process of hemerocallis tissue culture,priority could be given to the inoculation of milky-white and green active healing tissues,which was of great significance for improving the differentiation and reproduction rates of hemerocallis.The results of the study can provide certain technical support for optimizing the technical system of hemerocallis in vitro fast propagation and further creating new varieties.
河北农业大学,河北保定 071000河北省林业和草原科学研究院,河北石家庄 050061
Hemerocallis fulvacallusdifferentiationparaffin section
《天津农业科学》 2024 (003)
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