

Correlation and Principal Component Analysis of Major Agronomic Traits of Millet under Different Hor-monal Treatments


为综合评价不同激素对谷子生物性状及农艺性状的影响,选取生产上种植面积最大的谷子品种晋谷21号,在拔节初期和孕穗期分别喷施8种激素,以清水为对照,试验设置3次重复,田间测定不同处理下叶片的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、胞间浓度、气孔导度,成熟期测定株高、穗长、顶叶长、顶叶宽、节间数、鞘茎粗、根条数和根干质量等9个主要农艺性状,对数据进行变异系数、相关性和主成分分析.结果表明:不同性状间变异系数的变幅为1%~22%,其中根干质量变异较大,性状选择潜力大;顶叶宽与净光合速率呈正相关性,与胞间CO2 浓度呈显著性正相关,株高与穗长、净光合速率呈显著正相关;前4个主成分对变异累积贡献率达94.57%,主成分的总方差和贡献率是选择主成分的主要依据,这些性状与谷子的光合作用有关.因此,在对谷子进行遗传改良时,应充分考察农艺性状与光合性能对产量贡献,栽培时可充分利用外源生长激素调控农艺性状,提高其光合效率进而提高产量.

For a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of different hormones on the biological and agronomic traits of millet,the most widely planted millet variety in production,Jingu 21 was selected.The plants were sprayed with 8 different hormones at the beginning of the jointing stage and the booting stage,respectively using clear water as a control.The experiment was set with three repetitions.In the field,the net photosynthetic rate,transpiration rate,intercellular concentration,and stomatal conductance of the leaves under different treatments were measured.At maturity,9 main agronomic traits were determined,including plant height,spike length,top leaf length,top leaf width,internode number,sheath stem thickness,root number,and root dry weight.The data were subjected to co-efficient of variation,correlation,and principal component analyses.The results showed that the coefficient of variation among differ-ent traits ranged from 1%to 22%,with root dry weight showing greater variability and potential for trait selection.Top leaf width was positively correlated with net photosynthetic rate and significantly positively correlated with intercellular CO2 concentration.Plant height showed significant positive correlations with spike length and net photosynthetic rate.The first four principal components ac-counted for 94.57%of the cumulative variation,and the total variance and contribution rate of principal components were the main basis for selecting principal components.These traits are related to the photosynthetic activity of millet.Therefore,in the genetic im-provement of millet,it is possible to fully examine the contribution of agronomic traits and photosynthetic performance to yield.During cultivation,exogenous growth hormones can be fully utilized to regulate agronomic traits and enhance photosynthetic efficiency,there-by increasing yield.


山西农业大学 经济作物研究所,山西 汾阳 032200


激素晋谷 21 号农艺性状变异系数相关分析主成分分析

hormonesJingu 21agronomic traitscoefficientcorrelation analysisprincipal component analysis

《天津农业科学》 2024 (003)

30-35 / 6

谷子抗除草剂恢复系种植资源创新及杂优利用研究(2023 吕梁项目);杂粮种质资源创新与分子育种国家实验室(筹)(202204010910001);谷子杂种优势利用与强优势杂交新品种选育(2022ZDYF107);山西农业大学生物育种工程项目(YZGC052);吕梁市重点研发项目(2022NYGG20)

