

A fast imaging technology for screening ambient noise in high-altitude areas based on power spectral density


真实且高信噪比的经验格林函数是准确提取面波频散和反演地下结构的前提,而实际噪声源分布与理论存在差异,且高海拔区噪声源数量少、能量弱,不仅需要长时间的数据采集,也难以获得高信噪比的经验格林函数.因此本文提出基于功率谱密度的背景噪声数据筛选方法,对某高海拔地区采集的 92 h的背景噪声数据进行筛选,不仅大幅缩短了互相关计算时长,更有效提取了高信噪比的面波,减弱了高视速度干扰波,并获得了浅层 0~140 m高分辨率的横波速度结构.本次研究为作业难度大的高海拔区开展周期短的水利水电勘察工作提供了新思路.

Acquiring empirical Green's functions with a real and high signal-to-noise ratio serves as a prerequisite for deriving surface wave dispersion and inverting underground structures.However,the distribution of actual noise sources differs from the theory,and the energy and quantity of noise sources are limited in the high-altitude areas.Acquiring empirical Green's functions with a high signal-to-noise ratio is challenging,apart from a prolonged data acquisition period required.Given these,this study presented a method for screen-ing ambient noise data based on power spectral density.Using this method,this study screened 92-hour ambient noise data from a high-altitude area.Consequently,this method significantly reduced the calculation time of cross-correlation,effectively extracted surface waves with a high signal-to-noise ratio,reduced the interference waves with high apparent velocities,and obtained a high-resolution shallow shear wave velocity structure of shallow parts with burial depths ranging from 0~140 m.This study provides a novel method for chal-lenging,short-term exploration of water conservancy and hydropower generation in high-altitude areas.


黄河勘测规划设计研究院有限公司,河南 郑州 450003



power spectral densitydata selectionhigh-altitude areaambient noise imagingsurface wave

《物探与化探》 2024 (002)

437-442 / 6


