An Empirical Study on Using RPE Scale to Evaluate the Training and Competition Load of High-level Tennis Players
RPE因其经济、简便的优点,广泛应用于网球运动员内部训练负荷的监控和评价.然而,RPE指标会受到非客观因素的干扰,这也必然影响到评价的准确性和教练员下一阶段训练计划的制定.在实际训练中,教练员应如何合理运用RPE指标评价运动员内部训练负荷仍缺乏相关研究.本研究以中国国家网球集训队 24 名队员(12 男 12 女)为研究对象,按男队员和女队员进行分组,同时将运动形式分为训练和比赛两种状态,分别将RPE指标与心率指标进行相关性分析.结果显示:(1)训练和比赛两种状态下,RPE与平均最大心率百分比和最高心率之间相关性均较低;(2)比赛状态下,所有队员s-RPE与Banister's Trimp和Edwards's TL均显著相关(P<0.05),而训练状态下,显著相关的比例分别为 50%和 41.7%(P<0.05),因此RPE指标在评价比赛状态下内部负荷量时更为客观;(3)训练状态和比赛状态下,女队员RPE指标与心率指标的相关性显著高于男队员,因此,RPE指标在评价女队员内部训练负荷时更为客观.本研究将为我国高水平网球运动员合理运用RPE指标客观评价内部训练负荷提供一定参考.
RPE is widely used to monitor and evaluate the internal training load of tennis players due to its economical and convenient advantages.However,RPE may be disturbed by non-objective factors,which will inevitably affect the accuracy of evaluating and the next step training plan made for coaches.In actual training,there is still a lack of relevant researches on how coaches should reasonably use RPE indicators to evaluate the internal training load of athletes.In this study,24 players(12 males 12 females)of the Chinese national tennis training team were selected as the study objects.They were grouped into gender:male and female athletes.At the same time,the exercise forms were divided into two states:training and competition.The results showed that:1.The correlation between RPE and the average maximum heart rate percentage and the maximum heart rate was low in the two states of training and competition;2.In the competition state,s-rpe was significantly correlated with Banister's Trimp and Edwards's TL of all team members(P<0.05),while in the training state,the proportion of significant correlation was 50%and 41.7%respectively(P<0.05).Therefore,RPE indicators were more objective in evaluating the internal load in the competition state.3.In the training and competition state,The correlation between the RPE indicators and the heart rate indicators of female players is significantly higher than that of male players,Therefore the RPE indicators are more objective in evaluating the internal training load of female players.This study will provide reference for the objective evaluation of RPE in the field of professional tennis in China for the rational use of internal training load.
中央民族大学,北京 100081中央民族大学,北京 100081天津市体育科学研究所,天津 301617中国人民大学附属中学丰台学校,北京 100074中央民族大学,北京 100081
RPEs-RPE训练负荷Banister's TrimpEdwards's TL
RPEs-RPEtraining loadBanister's TrimpEdwards's TL
《天津体育学院学报》 2024 (2)