

Effects of different planting patterns and varieties on the production of photosynthetic substances in cotton and the impact of output


[目的]研究不同种植模式与品种对棉花光合物质生产及产量的影响.[方法]试验于2022 年在新疆阿克苏地区沙雅县海楼镇进行,选择2 种不同株型结构的棉花品种源棉 11 号、新陆中 80 号、新陆中 84 号和J206-5,选用2 种种植模式:76 cm等行距(1 膜3 行)和(66+10)cm宽窄行(1 膜6 行),设置田间试验分析不同种植模式及品种对棉花生育进程、植株形态、叶面积指数、净光合速率、干物质积累和产量的影响.[结果]不同棉花品种在1 膜3 行处理下较1 膜6 行处理生育期缩短4~6d,株高、始果枝高度、果枝夹角和平均果枝长度受种植模式影响较大.盛铃前期之前,不同株型棉花品种在1 膜3 行处理下的叶面积指数较高.但随着生育期推移,株型松散型的源棉11 号、J206-5 和株型紧凑的新陆中80 号、新陆中84 号分别在1 膜3 行处理、1 膜6 行处理下叶面积指数下降幅度较小,在棉花生育后期能维持较高的叶面积指数.盛花期前,不同株型棉花品种的净光合速率均表现为1 膜3 行处理高于1 膜6 行处理,但在盛花期至吐絮阶段,株型松散型的源棉11 号、J206-5 和株型紧凑的新陆中80 号、新陆中84 号净光合速率分别在1 膜3 行处理、1 膜6 行处理下达到最大值且下降缓慢,延长了光合作用持续时间,有利于棉花后期产量形成.株型松散型的源棉 11号、J206-5 在1 膜3 行处理下较1 膜6 行处理皮棉产量增加15.45%~17.23%,株型紧凑的新陆中80 号、新陆中84 号在1 膜6 行处理下皮棉产量较1 膜3 行处理增产9.23%~12.00%.[结论]不同株型棉花品种应选择适宜的种植模式,才能进一步发挥其增产潜力.株型松散的棉花品种适宜在76 cm等行距下种植,株型紧凑的棉花品种适宜在(66+10)cm模式下种植.

[Objective]To explore the effects of different planting modes and variety interactions on the production of photosynthetic substances and yield of cotton.[Methods]A field experiment was conducted in Hailou Town,Shaya County,Southern Xinjiang in 2022.Two machine harvesting planting modes were selected,namely"one film with three rows of 76 cm equal row spacing"and"one film with six rows(66+10)cm wide and narrow row spacing".Four cotton varieties with different plant types and structures,Yuanmian 11,Xin-luzhong 80,Xinluzhong 84,and J206-5,were extensively cultivated in Southern Xinjiang and the effects of different planting modes and variety interactions on cotton growth process,plant morphology,leaf area index,canopy opening,net photosynthetic rate,dry matter accumulation,and yield were analyzed.[Results]The growth period of one film with three rows was shortened by 3-7 days compared to one film with six rows,and the plant height and height of the initial fruit branch were greatly affected by the planting mode.In the early stage of cotton growth,one film with three rows was more conducive to cotton production and development com-pared to one film with six rows.The LAI and Pn of each variety showed that one film with three rows was grea-ter than one film with six rows.However,in the later stage of growth,different cotton varieties of different plant types performed differently.The loose type Yuanmian 11 and J206-5 maintain higher LAI and Pn under one film with three rows,while the compact plant types Xinluzhong 80 and Xinluzhong 84 performed better under one film with six rows.This in turn affected the formation of photosynthetic substances and yield.Yuanmian 11 and J206-5 increased their yield by 15.98%to 16.37%compared to one film and six rows,while Xinluzhong 80 and Xinluzhong 84 increased their yield by 9.23%-12.00%compared to one film and three rows.[Con-clusion]Different cotton varieties should choose suitable planting modes in order to further unleash their po-tential for yield increase.Cotton varieties with loose plant types are suitable for planting at a spacing of 76 cm,while cotton varieties with compact plant types are suitable for planting in the(66+10)cm mode.


新疆农业大学农学院/教育部棉花工程研究中心,乌鲁木齐 830052



cottonplanting patternsvarietygrowth and developmentyield

《新疆农业科学》 2024 (003)

537-546 / 10

国家重点研发计划项目(2020YFD1001003);新疆维吾尔自治区重大科技专项(2020A01002-4);新疆农业大学作物学重点学科发展基金项目(XNCDKY2021014) National Key R&D Program Project(2020YFD1001003);Major Science and Technology Project of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Re-gion(2020A01002-4);Development Fund for Key Disciplines of Crop Science of Xinjiang Agricultural University(XNCDKY2021014)

