The Theoretical Connotation,Distinctive Features,and Practical Requirements of Xi Jinping's Thought on Culture
2023 年 10 月召开的全国宣传思想文化工作会议深刻阐述了宣传思想文化工作的地位作用,首次提出习近平文化思想.习近平文化思想是对马克思主义文化理论的丰富和发展,要从文化作为上层建筑的系统视角,深入分析习近平关于宣传思想文化的重要论述,深刻把握蕴含其中的理论意蕴.其中,文化领导权体现了对意识形态工作规律的科学把握;建设中华民族现代文明内含着构建文化生命体的内在逻辑;文明新形态之"新"与中国式现代化的文化特色密切关联;舆论主导权蕴含着站在时代和科技前沿的深邃思考;国际话语权展现出人类文明交往背景下的战略谋划.习近平文化思想的鲜明特征体现为理论性和实践性、系统性和针对性、继承性和发展性、民族性和世界性的统一.把握习近平文化思想的实践要求,要从"七个着力"出发,明确新时代文化建设的路线图和任务书,把握文化的方向性要求、发展性要求、信息化要求、安全性要求和开放性要求.
The national conference on propaganda and ideological work has profoundly expounded the position and role of propaganda and ideological work,and put forward Xi Jinping's Thought on Culture for the first time.Xi Jinping's Thought on Culture is the new development of Marxist cultural theory in the new era of China.It is necessary to take a systematic view of culture as a superstructure,deeply analyze Xi Jinping's important expositions on propaganda and ideological work,and profoundly grasp the theoretical implications contained therein.The leadership in culture embodies a scientific grasp of the laws governing ideological work.Xi Jinping's important expositions on upholding the Party's leadership in culture encompass the direction,connotation,and position of propaganda and ideological work,as well as the Party's comprehensive leadership over such work.The construction of modern Chinese civilization contains the inherent logic of building a cultural life form.Starting from the relationship between culture and civilization,and the cultural and national roots,it is necessary to systematically grasp the logical relationship between the"two integrations",the new cultural mission,cultural confidence,and cultural protection,and to construct a cultural life form.The new form of civilization is closely linked to the cultural characteristics of Chinese-style modernization.It is important to grasp the relationship between culture and modernization,the relationship between Chinese-style modernization and the new form of human civilization,and the relationship between Chinese-style modernization and cultural characteristics.The dominance in public opinion entails profound reflection at the forefront of the times and technology and aims to construct a powerful space for consolidating and strengthening mainstream ideological culture.The right to international discourse demonstrates strategic planning in the context of human civilization exchanges,deepening the Marxist view of exchanges,and emphasizing the better integration of Chinese civilization into the world. Xi Jinping's Thought on Culture embodies the unity of theoretical and practical aspects,focusing on promoting propaganda,ideological,and cultural work in the new era,proposing a series of innovative theories,and making a series of deployment requirements for the layout of cultural work.It also embodies the unity of systematic and targeted approaches,emphasizing both systematic advancement and targeted solutions to key issues.Furthermore,it reflects the unity of inheritance and development,revealing the inherent laws of cultural inheritance and development.It demonstrates the unity of national and global interests,consolidating the national characteristics of culture and contributing Chinese strength and providing Chinese solutions to the development of world civilization. To grasp the practical requirements of Xi Jinping's Thought on Culture,it is necessary to start with the"seven focuses",to clarify the roadmap and tasks for cultural construction in the new era,and understand the directional requirements of culture from the political orientation,value orientation,and work orientation of cultural construction.It is also necessary to understand the developmental requirements of culture from the perspective of high-quality development,development in inheritance,and promoting the construction of a culturally strong country.Additionally,it involves understanding the informatization requirements of culture through mastering the laws of network communication in the information age,enabling information technology,and strengthening network information governance.It also involves understanding the security requirements of culture from the perspective of network ideological security,ideological security in universities,and ideological work capacity.Lastly,it involves understanding the openness requirements of culture from the perspective of enhancing narrative ability,building a communication system,and promoting cultural communication.
西安交通大学 新闻与新媒体学院,陕西 西安 710049||西安交通大学 马克思主义学院,陕西 西安 710049西安交通大学 马克思主义学院,陕西 西安 710049
Xi Jinping's Thought on Culturecultural leadershipmodern civilization of the Chinese nationcultural organismnew form of civilizationdominance of public opinioninternational discourse power
《西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024 (2)