

Application of PNN logging in residual oil evaluation:A case study of the Gaotaizi oil layer in mature oilfields


老区油田目前处于开发的中后期,高台子油层含水饱和度大幅度增加,纵向分层情况认识不清,区域剩余油藏分布规律不明,增大了挖潜难度和节能减排压力.为进一步认清高台子油层剩余油藏的分布情况,指导生产作业,明确潜力方向,在研究区域应用PNN(脉冲中子—中子)测井技术识别储层剩余油藏的纵向分布情况.将 10 口井的监测结果与生产资料对比,措施符合率为 80%.研究表明PNN测井技术能够较好地在纵向分层上识别储层的剩余油藏分布状况,在指导单井在高含水层补孔堵水方面,整体应用效果较好,产油量增加.该方法的结合应用提高了老区油田高台子油层评价剩余油饱和度的准确性,为制定和调整后续油田开发方案提供了技术支持,为进一步指导油藏高效开发和节能减排提供了科学依据.

As mature oilfields are in their middle to late exploitation stage,the Gaotaizi oil layer exhibits significantly increased water saturation,elusive longitudinal stratification,and unknown distribution patterns of regional residual oil.These complicate the potential exploitation,energy conservation,and emission reduction.To ascertain the distribution of residual oil in the Gaotaizi oil layer in order to guide production operations and clarify potential targets,this study identified the longitudinal distribution of residual oil in the study area using the pulsed neutron-neutron(PNN)logging technique.The comparison between the monitoring results and production data of 10 wells revealed a coincidence rate of measures of 80%.The results of this study show that the PNN logging technique can be used to effectively identify the longitudinal distribution of residual oil in reservoirs and yields encouraging application performance in guiding the hole filling and water plugging for single wells in high-water-cut layers,thus increasing oil production.This technique has increased the evaluation accuracy of residual oil saturation in the Gaotaizi oil layer in the mature oilfield.It can provide technical support for formula-ting and adjusting subsequent oilfield exploitation schemes and offer a scientific basis for further guiding efficient reservoir exploitation,energy conservation,and emission reduction.


核工业二七0 研究所,江西 南昌 330200||东华理工大学 地球物理与测控技术学院,江西南昌 330013东华理工大学 地球物理与测控技术学院,江西南昌 330013东华理工大学 地球物理与测控技术学院,江西南昌 330013中国地质大学(武汉) 地球物理与空间信息学院,湖北 武汉 430075中国石化西北油田勘探开发研究院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011吉林油田英台采油厂地质研究所,吉林白城 137317山东大学 岩土与结构工程研究中心,山东 济南 250061



PNN loggingGaotaizi oil layerresidual oil saturationoilfield exploitation

《物探与化探》 2024 (2)



