

Differences in Growth and Metabolics between Hydroponic and Peat Soil Cultivation Anoectochilus roxburghii


系统比较以水培和土培方式栽培30 d和90 d的金线莲生长指标、品质组分构成的差异,并通过代谢组学探究不同栽培方式下金线莲主要差异代谢通路.结果表明,相较于土培,水培第30天根长显著增加,第90天根长及叶面积显著增长,但茎粗有所下降;水培第30天净光合速率显著增长,水培第90天叶绿素含量显著增加.从组分上看,水培第30天总黄酮及金线莲苷含量显著增加,天冬氨酸、γ-氨基丁酸、羟脯氨酸含量显著降低;水培第90天,天冬氨酸、天门冬酰胺、γ-氨基丁酸和蛋氨酸含量显著降低.代谢通路上,与土培组相比,水培组金线莲第 30 天脂质、黄酮和黄酮醇生物合成、二萜及次级代谢生物合成显著上调;第90天脂质和次级代谢通路显著上调,二萜生物合成则发生下调.

The aim of the study was to systematically compare the differences in growth indexes and quality components between hydroponics and soil cultivation for 30 days and 90 days,and to investigate the main differential metabolic pathways of Anoectochilus roxburghii.The results showed that comparing with soil cultivation,the root length of hydroponics increased significantly on 30th day,and the root length and leaf area increased significantly on 90th day,but the stem thickness decreased.The net photosynthetic rate increased significantly on 30th day of hydroponics,and the chlorophyll content increased significantly on 90th day of hydroponics.In terms of components,total flavonoids and kinsenoside increased significantly on 30th day of hydroponics,and aspartic acid,γ-aminobutyric acid,and hydroxyproline decreased significantly;aspartic acid,asparagine,γ-aminobutyric acid,and methionine decreased significantly on 90th day of hydroponics.On metabolic pathways,lipid,flavonoid and flavonol biosynthesis,diterpene and secondary metabolic biosynthesis were significantly up-regulated on 30th day,and lipid and secondary metabolic pathways were significantly up-regulated,while diterpene biosynthesis underwent a down-regulation on 90th day in the hydroponically grown group compared to the soil-grown group on 30th day and 90th day.


福建中医药大学药学院,福建 福州 350122福建中医药大学药学院,福建 福州 350122福建中医药大学药学院,福建 福州 350122



Anoectochilus roxburghiihydroponicsmetabolomicsdifferential metabolites

《亚热带植物科学》 2024 (1)



