

Generalized third cross-correlation pipeline leakage location detection based on VMD



Considering the problem of presence of relatively big error with second cross-correlation time delay estimation algorithm in the acoustic location technology for gas pipeline leak detection,a delay estimation algorithm based on variational mode decomposition(VMD)combined with generalized third cross-correlation was proposed.Firstly,VMD algorithm was used to decompose the two signals and reconstruct the signals.Secondly,a correlation was carried out again on the basis of the second cross-correlation,and Hilbert transform(HT)was introduced in the peak detection stage of the cross-correlation algorithm to sharpen the peak value,which becomes a new generalized third cross-correlation delay estimation method.Through the simulation experiment on the data collected by the oil and gas pipeline leakage detection system built for the platform,the accuracy of each algorithm was analyzed.Experimental results show that compared with second cross-correlation,the improved generalized third cross-correlation delay estimation algorithm has significantly improved positioning average accuracy,has higher accuracy and better anti-noise performance,and has a wider application prospect in gas pipeline leakage locating.


东北石油大学 电气信息工程学院,黑龙江大庆 163318||东北石油大学 三亚海洋油气研究院,海南三亚 572024东北石油大学 电气信息工程学院,黑龙江大庆 163318||东北石油大学 三亚海洋油气研究院,海南三亚 572024||东北石油大学 人工智能能源研究院,黑龙江大庆 163318东北石油大学 电气信息工程学院,黑龙江大庆 163318||东北石油大学 三亚海洋油气研究院,海南三亚 572024||东北石油大学 人工智能能源研究院,黑龙江大庆 163318||黑龙江省网络化与智能控制重点实验室,黑龙江大庆 163318



pipe leakage detectionvariational mode decomposition(VMD)generalized third cross-correlationHilbert transform(HT)

《压力容器》 2024 (002)

72-80 / 9


