

Effects of Different Ratios of Green-Blue Light on Basil Growth and Its Energy Use Efficiency


[目的]在红光(R,660 nm)保持定量的条件下,探究不同绿蓝光比例(G/B)对罗勒(Ocimum basilicum Linn.)生长、气孔特征、光合能力以及能源利用效率的影响,为植物工厂罗勒高效节能生产提供技术支撑.[方法]在植物工厂环境下,以罗勒为试验材料,将生长 19 d的罗勒幼苗分别置于RB(R﹕G﹕B=8﹕0﹕8,设为对照处理)、RG1B7(R﹕G﹕B=8﹕1﹕7)、RG1B3(R﹕G﹕B=8﹕2﹕6)、RG1B1(R﹕G﹕B=8﹕4﹕4)、RG3B1(R﹕G﹕B=8﹕6﹕2)、RG7B1(R﹕G﹕B=8﹕7﹕1)和RG(R﹕G﹕B=8﹕8﹕0)7 种不同光质组合处理中,光照强度设置为 160 μmol·m-2·s-1,其中红光占 50%,光照时间为 16 h/d,光/暗期温度为 25℃/23℃,相对湿度设定为 65%,光期CO2 浓度设定为 1 000 μmol·mol-1.试验处理 13 d后测量罗勒的光合作用参数,处理 19 d后测量其生长指标、气孔特征以及能源利用效率.[结果]除RG1B3 处理外,添加绿光处理比对照显著提升了罗勒的株高、叶面积和干鲜重,不同绿蓝光比例(G/B)处理的地上部干、鲜重分别比对照提高了 19%—51%和 26%—64%;但除RG处理外,不同G/B处理间的叶面积和干、鲜重差异不显著.低G/B处理(RG1B7)仅降低罗勒下层叶片反面的气孔密度,随着 G/B 的增大,下层叶片正面及上层叶片的气孔密度均降低.总体上,叶片氮含量随着 G/B 的增加而降低,叶片氮含量和气孔密度的降低导致罗勒的CO2 同化能力、光利用能力下降,降低程度总体上随着G/B的增加而增大.由于绿光LED的发光效率比蓝光低,总耗电量随着G/B的增加而增加,本试验中仅RG1B7 处理比对照显著提高了 25%的电能利用效率;除RG1B3 处理外,不同G/B处理比对照提升了 30%—57%的光能利用效率,提升程度在除RG外的不同G/B处理间无显著差异;与对照相比,RG3B1 和 RG 处理提高了罗勒上层和下层叶片水分利用效率,其中 RG3B1 分别提高了 58%和 74%,RG分别提高了 67%和 90%.[结论]结合罗勒生长和能量利用效率数据可知,RG1B7 处理可被认为是植物工厂罗勒生产较为适宜的光质组合.研究结果可为明确不同绿蓝光比例对罗勒生长、光合特性及能源利用效率的影响规律提供参考,也为完善植物工厂环境下罗勒高效节能生产光配方提供技术支撑.

[Objective]This study aimed to investigate the effects of different ratios of green-blue light(G/B)with constant red light(R,660 nm)on the growth,stomatal characteristics,photosynthetic capacity,and energy utilization efficiency of basil plants(Ocimum basilicum Linn.).The ultimate goal of this study was to provide the technical support for efficient and energy-saving production of basil plants in plant factory.[Method]Basil seedlings were subjected to seven different light quality treatments of RB(R:G:B=8:0:8,set as control),RG1B7(R:G:B=8:1:7),RG1B3(R:G:B=8:2:6),RG1B1(R:G:B=8:4:4),RG3B1(R:G:B=8:6:2),RG7B1(R:G:B=8:7:1),and RG(R:G:B=8:8:0)for a duration of 19 days after transplanting.The total light intensity was 160 μmol·m-2·s-1,with red light accounting for 50%of the total light intensity.The photo/dark period was 16/8 hours per day.The air temperature during the light/dark period was set at 25℃/23℃,and the relative humidity was set at 65%.Additionally,the CO2 concentration during the light period was 1 000 μmol·mol-1.The photosynthesis parameters of basil plants were determined after 13 days of experimental treatment,while the growth parameters,stomatal characteristics,and energy use efficiency of basil plants were determined after 19 days of experimental treatment.[Result]Except for treatment RG1B3,the addition of green light significantly enhanced height,leaf area,and dry and fresh weight of basil plants.The shoot dry and fresh weights of basil plants under different G/B treatments showed an increase of 19%-51%and 26%-64%,respectively,compared with those under the control.However,no significant differences in leaf area and dry/fresh weights were observed among the G/B treatments,except those under treatment RG.The treatment with low G/B(RG1B7)only caused a reduction in the stomatal density on the abaxial surface of basil lower leaves.As G/B increased,the stomatal density decreased on the adaxial surface of the lower leaves and both surfaces of the upper leaves.In general,the leaf nitrogen content decreased with an increase in the G/B.This decrease in leaf nitrogen content and stomatal density resulted in a decline in CO2 assimilation capacity and light utilization capacity of basil plants.The reduction in these capacities generally increased with the increasing G/B.Due to the lower light-emitting efficiency of green LEDs compared with blue light,the total power consumption increased with an increase in the G/B.Only the treatment RG1B7 significantly improved electric use efficiency by 25%than that under the control.With the exception of RG1B3,all other G/B treatments improved light utilization efficiency by 30%-57%than that under the control,and no significant differences were found among different G/B treatments,except for RG.RG3B1 and RG improved water use efficiency of both upper and lower basil leaves,with RG3B1 showing a 58%and 74%increase,and RG showing a 67%and 90%increase,respectively compared with that under the control.[Conclusion]By comprehensively analyzing,basil plants growth and energy utilization efficiency,the RG1B7 could be considered as a more suitable light quality combination for basil plants production in plant factories.The findings of this study could serve as a technical support for understanding the impact of different G/B ratios on basil growth,photosynthetic characteristics,and energy utilization efficiency.This research provided the valuable insights for developing optimized light formulations that enable efficient and energy-saving production of basil plants in plant factory environments.


中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所,北京 100081中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所,北京 100081中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所,北京 100081中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所,北京 100081中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所,北京 100081


basilthe ratio of green-blue lightlight qualitygrowthphotosyntheticenergy use efficiency

《中国农业科学》 2024 (6)



