

Nitrogen Fertilizer Postponing Application Benefits Wheat-Maize Intercropping by Reducing Soil Evaporation and Improving Water Use Efficiency


[目的]针对绿洲灌区小麦玉米间作水分高效利用潜力挖掘不足,制约多熟种植稳定发展的问题,拟通过探明不同氮肥后移比例对小麦玉米间作耗水特性及水分利用的影响,为绿洲灌溉区水分高效利用麦玉间作模式创建提供理论依据.[方法]试验于2020-2021年在甘肃农业大学绿洲农业综合试验站开展,设小麦玉米间作、单作小麦和单作玉米3种种植模式,针对玉米设不施氮(N0)、氮肥后移 20%(N1)、氮肥后移 10%(N2)和传统施氮氮肥不后移(N3)4 个处理,间作玉米和单作玉米各施氮处理下总施氮量分别为210 和360 kg·hm-2,研究不同种植制度及氮肥后移比例对小麦和玉米的土壤蒸发、耗水特性及水分利用的影响.[结果]小麦、玉米独立生长阶段间作处理的棵间蒸发量大于单作,间作小麦棵间蒸发较单作小麦增大 15.9%—16.7%,间作玉米棵间蒸发较单作玉米增大 5.4%—14.7%,麦玉共生期间作棵间蒸发量较单作加权降低4.6%—6.1%;全生育期棵间蒸发总量表现为:小麦玉米间作最大、单作玉米次之、单作小麦最小,在间作模式中,氮肥后移20%处理棵间蒸发量较传统施氮降低6.5%,且小麦带棵间蒸发量较玉米带增大12.6%—17.3%,是间作系统棵间蒸发的主要来源.间作系统中氮肥后移20%和后移10%处理全生育期耗水量较传统施氮分别降低34.3 和18.9 mm,E/ET与传统施氮差异不显著.间作系统籽粒产量较单作加权平均提高21.1%—39.0%,间作系统氮肥后移20%处理籽粒产量较传统施氮提高28.8%,其中间作小麦、间作玉米氮肥后移20%处理较传统施氮分别提高24.3%、30.8%.间作种植模式氮肥后移处理水分利用效率较单作加权平均显著提高 15.0%、12.3%,其中氮肥后移 20%处理较传统施氮提高 35.9%,氮肥后移 10%处理较之提高 19.3%.[结论]小麦玉米间作种植模式结合氮肥后移20%能减少土壤蒸发和全生育期耗水量,提高产量和水分生产力,是绿洲灌区小麦玉米间作高产高效生产可采用的施氮制度.

[Objective]Aiming at the problem of insufficient excavation of the potential of efficient water utilization of wheat-maize intercropping in the oasis irrigation area,which restricted the stable development of multi-maturing cultivation,this study was intended to provide the theoretical basis for the creation of a model of efficient water utilization of wheat-maize intercropping in the oasis irrigation area by investigating the effects of different nitrogen fertilizer postponing application on water consumption characteristics and water utilization of wheat-maize intercropping.[Method]The experiment was carried out in the oasis agricultural comprehensive experimental station of Gansu Agricultural University from 2020 to 2021.Three planting patterns of wheat-maize intercropping,monocropping wheat and monocropping maize were set up.Four treatments application systems were set up for maize:no nitrogen application(N0),20%nitrogen fertilizer postponing(N1),10%nitrogen fertilizer postponing(N2),and traditional nitrogen fertilizer without postponing(N3).The total nitrogen application rates of intercropping maize and monocropping maize were 210 and 360 kg·hm-2,respectively.The effects of different planting systems and nitrogen fertilizer postponing ratios on soil evaporation,water consumption characteristics and water use of wheat and maize were studied.[Result]During wheat and maize independent growth stage,the intercropping tree evaporation was greater than that of monocropping,the intercropping wheat tree evaporation increased 15.9%-16.7%than that of monocropping wheat,and the intercropping maize tree evaporation increased 5.4%-14.7%than that of monocropping maize,while wheat and maize symbiosis of intercropping tree evaporation compared with the monocropping weighted reduction of 4.6%-6.1%;the total amount of evaporation during the whole life cycle tree performance:wheat maize in the intercropping mode,intertree evaporation was reduced by 6.5%in the 20%N fertilization setback treatment compared with N3,and intertree evaporation in the wheat belt increased by 12.6%-17.3%compared with that in the maize belt,which was the main source of intertree evaporation in the intercropping system.In the intercropping system,water consumption was 34.3 and 18.9 mm lower than that of traditional N application under the 20%and 10%N fertilizer setback treatments,respectively,but the difference between E/ET and traditional N application was not significant.The seed yield of intercropping system was increased by 21.1%-39.0%compared with the weighted average of monocrop,and the seed yield of intercropping system with 20%N fertilizer setback treatment was increased by 28.8%compared with the traditional N application,among which the intercropped wheat and intercropped maize with 20%N fertilizer setback treatments were increased by 24.3%and 30.8%,respectively,compared with the traditional application of N.The water consumption during the whole growth period under intercropping system with 20%and 10%N fertilizer setback treatment was decreased by 34.3 and 18.9 mm that under traditional application of N,respectively.The E/ET of intercropping system with 20%N fertilization was increased by 20%than that under the traditional N application.The water use efficiency of intercropping planting pattern nitrogen fertilizer setback treatment was significantly increased by 15.0%and 12.3%than that under the weighted average of monocrops;among which the nitrogen fertilizer setback 20%treatment was increased by 35.9%compared with the traditional nitrogen application,and the nitrogen fertilizer setback 10%treatment was increased by 19.3%compared with the traditional nitrogen application.[Conclusion]The wheat-maize intercropping pattern combined with 20%nitrogen fertilizer postponing could reduce soil evaporation and water consumption during the whole growth period,and increase yield and water productivity,which was a nitrogen application system that could be used for high-yield and high-efficiency production of wheat-maize intercropping in oasis irrigation areas.


甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070甘肃农业大学农学院/省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室,兰州 730070


intercroppingnitrogen fertilizer postponing applicationsoil evaporationyieldwater use efficiency

《中国农业科学》 2024 (7)



