

Ability modeling for spacecraft control system based on partial least square structural equation model approach


为提升航天任务完成品质,航天器需根据任务及环境针对性调整自身能力,而对航天器控制系统高层次能力的定量刻画,即系统能力建模是实现上述调整的重要理论依据.针对一类航天器姿态控制系统,提出一种基于偏最小二乘-结构方程模型(partial least square structural equation model,PLS-SEM)的航天器控制系统能力建模方法,实现对包括控制能力、观测能力等抽象能力的定量描述.首先,根据航天器闭环控制系统的结构要素,综合设计能力建模所需的指标类型,生成建模数据样本.在此基础上,设计并构建SEM框架下的能力变量体系,进而通过PLS算法完成模型路径、载荷、权重等关键参数的确定,并对所得PLS-SEM能力模型的结构方程与测量方程的有效性、可信性等分别进行评估.最终,根据航天器PLS-SEM能力模型对控制系统的各抽象能力进行定量描述与分析,验证本文所提出建模方法的可行性.

For improving the mission completion quality,the spacecraft need to adjust their capabilities according to the task and environment reasonably.The ability model of the spacecraft control system,by which the high-level ability value can be described quantitatively,is the theoretical basis for the above adjustment.This paper proposed an ability modeling method through the partial least square structural equation model(PLS-SEM)for the spacecraft control system to achieve quantitative descriptions of abstract abilities including control ability and observation ability.Firstly,according to the structural elements of the closed-loop control system,we designed and generated the type of indicators modeling data samples.Furthermore,the capability variable system under the SEM framework was designed and constructed.The key parameters,such as path coefficients,outer loading and outer weights,were determined by the PLS algorithm.Then the structural and measurement equations of the obtained PLS-SEM ability model were evaluated separately.Finally,according to the spacecraft PLS-SEM ability model,the various types of abilities of the control system were quantitatively described and analyzed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed modeling method.


北京控制工程研究所空间智能控制技术国家级重点实验室,北京 100190北京控制工程研究所空间智能控制技术国家级重点实验室,北京 100190北京控制工程研究所空间智能控制技术国家级重点实验室,北京 100190北京控制工程研究所空间智能控制技术国家级重点实验室,北京 100190



structural equation modelpartial least square methodspacecraft control systemability modelfactor analysis

《中国空间科学技术》 2024 (2)



