

Comparative Study of Energy Efficiency Test Methods and Energy Efficiency Limit Values of Water Chiller(Heat Pump)Units


冷水(热泵)机组作为集中空调系统的主要耗能设备,行业整体机组能效的提高会对按期实现"双碳"目标具有重大促进作用.GB/T 18430 作为冷热水机组的基础性标准,修订工作已接近尾声,与之配套的能效标准GB19577-2015 也需要进行相应的修订升级.对GB/T 18430 中对舒适型冷水(热泵)机组的考核方法与对应美国和欧洲的进行了对比分析,构建了一个水冷式冷水(热泵)机组的理论模型,从而将中国、美国和欧洲能效标准中规定的限定值水平折算为同一个指标下进行对比.对比发现,我国目前水冷式机组的IPLV入门限定值分别提升 5.4%和 25.2%后可以达到美国能效标准A路径和B路径能效水平,提升13.4%后可与欧洲能效标准水平持平;风冷式机组能效限定值在数值上增加 25.4%后可与欧洲能效标准基本持平.本文的工作为后续能效标准GB19577-2015 的修订提供了参考依据.

As the main energy-consuming equipment of the centralized air-conditioning system,the improvement of the energy efficiency of water chiller(heat pump)units has a significant role in promoting the realization of the"dual carbon"target.GB/T 18430,as a basic standard for plumbing units,is nearing the end of its revision,and the accompanying energy efficiency standards GB19577-2015 need to be revised and upgraded accordingly.In this study,the assessment method of comfort-type water chiller(heat pump)units in GB/T 18430 is analyzed and compared with those of the corresponding U.S.and European standards.A theoretical model of water-cooled water chiller(heat pump)units is constructed such that the limited value levels specified in the energy efficiency standards of China,the U.S.,and Europe are converted into the same index for comparison.The IPLV entry limit values of China′s water-cooled units,after increases of 5.4%and 25.2%,can match the energy efficiency levels of Path A and Path B of the American standard,respectively,and align with the European standards after a 13.4%increase;the energy efficiency limit values of air-cooled units can be basically on par with the European energy efficiency standards after increasing by 25.4%.This work provides a reference for the subsequent revision of the energy efficiency standard GB19577-2015.


东南大学能源与环境学院 南京 210096中国标准化研究院 北京 100191国际铜业协会 上海 200020


chiller(heat pump)integrated part load valuecomparison of test methodsenergy efficiency limit value

《制冷学报》 2024 (002)

30-40 / 11

本文受中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2242023K30010)项目资助.(The project was supported by the Funda-mental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.2242023K30010).)

