

Experimental Study on the Robustness and Off-design Performances of R32 Heat Pump System


实验研究了变热源进口温度工况和变热水进口温度工况下膨胀阀开度对R32 热泵系统稳定性和系统性能的影响规律.结果表明:不同工况下系统存在不同的过热度振荡区间,且热源进口温度对起始振荡过热度的影响较显著,而热水进口温度对其影响则不明显;变热源进口温度(15~25℃)工况下,制热量随着过热度的变化呈现不同的变化规律,而其COP则呈现相同的变化规律,且系统均在过热度振荡区间内获得最大COP;变热水进口温度(30~40℃)工况下,制热量和COP均随着过热度的变化呈现相同的变化趋势,且两者均在过热度振荡区间内取得最大值;热源进口温度的升高和热水进口温度的降低均可使系统获得的最大制热量和最大COP增大,且两者在热源进口温度为 25℃时分别为9.287 kW和4.646,而在热水进口温度为30℃时则分别为 9.148 kW和 5.665.

The effects of an expansion valve opening on the robustness and system performance of an R32 heat pump system under variable heat source inlet temperatures and hot-water inlet temperatures are studied.The results show that the system has different superheat oscillation ranges under different operating conditions,and the heat source inlet temperature has a significant effect on the initial oscillation superheat,whereas the hot water inlet temperature has no obvious effect on it.Under the variable heat source inlet temperature(15-25℃)conditions,the heating capacities show different variation trends with the superheat,whereas the COP shows the same changing trends,and the maximum COP of the system is obtained within the superheat oscillation range.Under the variable hot water inlet temperature(30-40℃)conditions,the heating capacities and COP show the same trends with the superheat,and both of them reach the maximum values in the superheat oscillation range.Both the increase in the heat source inlet temperature and the decrease in the hot water inlet temperature can increase the maximum heating capacity and the maximum COP,which are 9.287 kW and 4.646,respectively when the heat source inlet temperature is 25℃,and 9.148 kW and 5.665,respectively,when the hot water inlet temperature is 30℃.


中原工学院能源与环境学院 郑州 450007中原工学院能源与环境学院 郑州 450007中原工学院能源与环境学院 郑州 450007中原工学院能源与环境学院 郑州 450007||河南城建学院能源与建筑环境工程学院 平顶山 467036中原工学院能源与环境学院 郑州 450007中原工学院能源与环境学院 郑州 450007中原工学院能源与环境学院 郑州 450007


system robustnesssuperheat oscillationheat pump systemoff-design performancesR32

《制冷学报》 2024 (2)



国家自然科学基金(51176207)资助项目.(The project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51176207).) 本文受河南省青年科学基金项目(212300410317)河南省科技攻关计划项目(222102320076)中原工学院青年人才创新能力基金项目(K2020QN013)资助.(The project was supported by Henan Provincial Youth Science Foundation Project(No.212300410317),Henan Provincial Science and Technology Planning Project(No.222102320076),and Zhongyuan Univer-sity of Technology Young Talent Innovation Ability Fund Project(No.K2020QN013).)

