Parental selection strategies of high generation seed orchard of Pinus tabuliformis
[目的]通过油松高世代种子园建园亲本 2种选择策略的对比与评价,为高世代高产稳产油松建园亲本选择策略的确定提供科学依据.[方法]以山西省隰县上庄油松初级种子园自由授粉子代测定林为基本群体,对 42 个油松半同胞家系的生长性状进行遗传变异分析,采用配合选择策略和最优单株直接选择策略筛选油松第二代种子园建园亲本,对比分析两种选择策略下,筛选出的优良单株的各性状平均生长量和平均预期遗传增益.[结果]油松半同胞家系间和家系内胸径、树高和材积生长均达到了极显著差异水平(P<0.01),配合选择策略与最优单株直接选择策略分别选出 30 个优良单株,其中有 19个相同、11个不同.最优单株直接选择策略所筛选的 11 个特有优良单株的平均胸径、树高和材积生长量分别高出配合选择策略所筛选的 11个特有优良单株 7.72%、18.56%和 31.01%,所筛选的 30 个优良单株的平均胸径、树高和材积的预期遗传增益比配合选择策略筛选的 30 个优良单株分别增加了 15.52%、121.78%和 29.38%.与每一优良家系入选 1个优良单株的配合选择策略不同,最优单株直接选择策略筛选出的 30 个优良单株中,有 29 个优良单株分属于19个优良家系,另外 1个优良单株(D12)属于非优良家系.[结论]配合选择策略会导致部分优良单株资源损失,最优单株直接选择策略更适合用于油松高世代种子园亲本材料的筛选.
[Objective]Through the comparison and evaluation of two parental selection strategies in advanced generation seed orchard of Pinus tabuliformis,it provides a scientific basis for the parental selection strategy of advanced generation high-yield and stable-yield of P.tabuliformis.[Method]Selecting the open-pollinated progeny test forest of the first-generation seed orchard of P.tabuliformis in Shangzhuang,Xi County,Shanxi Province of northern China,as the base population.The genetic variation of growth traits in 42 half-sib families of P.tabuliformis was analyzed,the parents of the second generation seed orchard of P.tabuliformis were selected by the combined selection strategy and the direct selection strategy of optimal individual,the average growth and average expected genetic gain of each trait of the superior individuals screened by the two selection strategies were compared and analyzed.[Result]There were significant differences(P<0.01)in DBH,tree height and volume growth among and within half-sib families of P.tabuliformis.The combined selection strategy and the direct selection strategy of optimal individual separately screened 30 superior individuals,of which 19 were identical and 11 were different.The average DBH,tree height and volume growth of 11 unique superior individuals screened by the direct selection strategy of optimal individual were 7.72%,18.56%and 31.01%higher than that of the combined selection strategy,respectively,and the average DBH,tree height and volume expected genetic gain of 30 superior individuals screened by the direct selection strategy of optimal individual were 15.52%,121.78%and 29.38%higher than that of the combined selection strategy,respectively.Different from the combined selection strategy of selecting one superior individual for each elite family,among the 30 superior individuals selected by the direct selection strategy of optimal individual,29 superior individuals belonged to 19 elite families,and 1 superior individual(D12)belonged to the non-elite family.[Conclusion]The combined selection strategy will lead to the loss of some superior individual resources,and the direct selection strategy of optimal individual is more suitable for screening the parental materials of advanced generation seed orchard of P.tabuliformis.
北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院,林木遗传育种全国实验室,林木育种与生态修复国家工程研究中心,北京 100083山西省吕梁山国有林管理局油松种子园,山西临汾 041300平泉市国有七沟林场,河北承德 067509
Pinus tabuliformisparents of high generation seed orchardcombined selectionselection of superior individuals
《北京林业大学学报》 2024 (004)
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