

Preparation and Tribological Properties of Gradient Material on Cylinder Liner Surface by Laser Cladding


目的 研究功能梯度材料对缸套表面的抗磨减摩作用,提升缸套-活塞环配副的摩擦学性能.方法 通过激光打标机在缸套表面制备具有30°角规则纹理排布的凹槽,在凹槽内采用同轴送粉的方式熔覆镍含量不同的铁基粉末,分析熔覆合金层的金相组织,并利用往复式摩擦磨损试验机研究在一定载荷压力下功能梯度材料缸套的摩擦学性能.结果 熔覆层金相组织呈现梯度排布,熔覆层与基体材料分子原子交互扩散形成良好的冶金结合.牌号为350、镍质量分数为4.2%、铁质量分数80%的粉末所制备的功能梯度材料,减摩效果最为明显,相比未经处理的对照组,平均摩擦因数降幅为25.4%,且该组在试验中接触电阻的平均值最大,相比对照组提升了 63.45%.牌号为330、镍质量分数为9%、铁质量分数为70%的粉末制备的缸套,表面支撑指数最高为0.78,相比于未处理的对照组,增幅达到35%,且试验组活塞环经摩擦后,磨损量均小于对照组.结论 制备了 30°角分布的功能梯度材料,能使得缸套-活塞环摩擦学系统在工作过程中摩擦副的润滑油膜厚度更厚,且在运行过程中更稳定,以减少摩擦力和降低摩擦因数.同时,增强其支撑能力和储存润滑油的能力,使所制备的缸套摩擦因数显著降低.牌号为350的材料,改善摩擦学性能的效果最优.

As a new type of material whose performance changes with composition or structure,functional gradient materials are increasingly being applied to improve the tribological properties of mechanical components.In order to study the anti-wear and friction reduction effect of functional gradient materials on the surface of cylinder liners,a regular texture arrangement with a 30° angle was prepared on the surface of cylinder liners to explore the coupling effect of material and texture on the improvement of tribological properties. The ZS1115 diesel engine cylinder liner was selected for the experiment,and 80 mm x 120 mm cylinder liner slices were obtained through wire cutting.The material was wear-resistant alloy cast iron,and functional gradient materials were prepared.Firstly,a 30° groove was prepared on the surface of the cylinder liner with a laser marking machine,and then iron based powders with different nickel contents were melted into the groove by coaxial powder feeding.The process parameters during the melting process were slightly different.These were the parameters selected for the optimal cladding effect in the previous cladding experiment.After cladding,a part of the cylinder liner was cut by wire to obtain the cross-section of the cladding layer.The microstructure of the cladding alloy layer was analyzed from a microscopic perspective with a metallographic microscope,and the tribological properties of the functional gradient material cylinder liner prepared under a fixed load and speed were studied with a reciprocating friction and wear testing machine.During the test,the contact resistance between the cylinder liner and piston ring was collected to obtain the oil film lubrication condition between the friction pairs,and the friction change throughout the test was also collected.After the experiment,the three-dimensional feature parameters of the friction surface were obtained through a contact surface profiler.At the same time,the mass of piston ring before and after the test was recorded,and the mass wear of piston ring before and after the test was calculated. The metallographic analysis results showed that the microstructure of the cladding layer presented a gradient arrangement,and the cladding layer and the matrix material molecules and atoms interacted and diffused to form a good metallurgical bond.The functional gradient material prepared from powder with a grade of 350,a nickel content of 4.2%,and an iron content of 80%showed the most significant friction reduction effect,with an average friction coefficient reduction of 25.4%compared to the untreated control group.Moreover,this group had the highest average contact resistance in the experiment,which increased by 63.45%compared to the control group.Compared with the control group,the wear of piston ring in the test group with gradient materials was significantly reduced.The surface support index of the cylinder liner prepared with powder with a grade of 330,a nickel content of 9%,and an iron content of 70%was the highest at 0.78,an increase of 35%compared to the untreated control group.The preparation of functional graded materials with an angle of 30° can make the cylinder liner piston ring tribology system produce a stable lubricating oil film better in the working process,so as to reduce the friction and the friction coefficient,and at the same time enhance its support ability and the ability to store lubricating oil,so that the friction coefficient of the prepared cylinder liner can be significantly reduced.The material with a grade of 350 has the best effect on improving tribological properties.


武汉理工大学交通与物流工程学院,武汉 430063||国家水运安全工程技术研究中心可靠性工程研究所,武汉 430063武汉理工大学交通与物流工程学院,武汉 430063||武汉理工大学水路交通控制全国重点实验室,武汉 430063||国家水运安全工程技术研究中心可靠性工程研究所,武汉 430063国家水运安全工程技术研究中心可靠性工程研究所,武汉 430063武汉理工大学交通与物流工程学院,武汉 430063||武汉理工大学水路交通控制全国重点实验室,武汉 430063||国家水运安全工程技术研究中心可靠性工程研究所,武汉 430063



functional gradient materialscylinder liner-piston ringlaser claddingfriction characteristicsmetallographic microstructure

《表面技术》 2024 (7)


国家自然科学基金(52372361)The National Natural Science Foundation of China(52372361)

