Control of super mantle trees over globe tectonics
全球横波低速异常体成像发现:Jason超级地幔柱与Tuzo超级地幔柱彷佛植根于地球外核顶部、生长在核幔边界(core-mantle boundary,CMB)上的两株榕树,我们将其命名为超级地幔树(super mantle tree),以突出Jason超级地幔柱与Tuzo超级地幔柱连接地核与地壳的纽带特征,强调它们在地球演化过程中对全球构造的作用.地幔柱仅是超级地幔树的局部分支.我们定义超级地幔树为4层结构:①植根于地球外核顶部;②1600~2890 km为"树干";③110~1600 km为"树冠";④110 km以上为"树枝"."树枝"平面分布形态与全球板块轮廓大致相似,意味着板块构造可能起始于地球110 km处.推测地球深度1550~1600 km之间可能存在一个地球化学过渡层;Jason超级地幔树与Tuzo超级地幔树之间可能存在地球化学分隔面(简称地幔分隔面),地幔分隔面将地球划分为太平洋半球与大西洋半球;它的地面投影北端大致指向地磁北极,南端基本指向地磁南极.外核顶部脉动作用可能是地幔运动的动因,地核运动控制地幔运动.Tuzo超级地幔树逆时针旋转控制大西洋半球旋转形态,Tuzo超级地幔树的"细树干"伸向南大西洋,Tuzo超级地幔树"粗树干"伸向北大西洋,使得中大西洋脊减薄.Jason超级地幔树顺时针旋转控制太平洋半球旋转形态以及环太平洋地区地貌构造形态.青藏高原及邻区地质地球物理三维构造模型说明:向北运动的Tuzo超级地幔树"树枝"与向西运动的Jason超级地幔树"树枝"共同作用,形成青藏高原东构造结.
Jason and Tuzo super mantle plumes together resemble a banyan tree growing on the core-mantle boundary(CMB)with a"root"on top of the Earth's outer core,"trunk"(1600~2890 km),"crown"(110~1600 km),and"branches"(above 110 km)and are thus termed"super mantle trees"to reflect the integrity of low-shear-wave-velocity anomalies in the mantle and highlight their role in the connect the core and crust and their effects of global tectonics during Earth's evolution.Here,we show that a mantle plume is a part or"branch"of a super mantle tree.The planar distribution resembles the global plate contour and basalt age distribution,i.e.,plate tectonics may start at 110 km.A geochemical transition layer may lie at 1550 km to 1600 km,with different geochemical indexes for the upper and lower spaces.There may be geochemical(mantle)separation surfaces between Jason and Tuzo super mantle trees,with the northern and southern ends approximately pointing to the geomagnetic north and south poles,respectively,and current growth spaces in the Pacific and Atlantic hemispheres.A three-dimensional(3D)structural model of the Tibetan Plateau and surroundings shows that the rotation of Jason and Tuzo super mantle trees changes or destroys the basic global tectonic framework,which the canopy movement further refines and transforms into a complex and regular panorama.
super mantle treeglobe tectonicsmantle separation surfacemantle movement3D structural model of the Tibetan Plateau
《地质学报》 2024 (3)