Revisiting the carbonate carbon isotopic composition of the lowermost Doushantuo Formation in Yichang,Hubei Province:Implications for searching the original seawater carbon isotopic signal
湖北宜昌地区埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组记录了多次显著的无机碳同位素(δ13Ccarb)波动事件,它们可以在华南乃至全球范围内进行广泛对比.然而,在一些特定剖面中,陡山沱组底部盖帽碳酸盐岩记录了δ13Ccarb极负值(<-30‰,VPDB),以及上覆陡山沱组二段底部地层中δ13Ccarb在正负值之间频繁波动的现象.一般认为,成岩作用中形成的碳酸盐矿物导致了这些分布不规律的813Ccarb波动,并对利用碳酸盐岩全岩无机碳同位素(δ13Cbulk)数据进行古海洋碳同位素组成恢复的可靠性造成了干扰.为了评估成岩作用对δ13Cbulk的影响,本文利用宜昌雾河地区埃迪卡拉系的一口钻井岩芯,对陡山沱组下部地层进行了详细的岩石学观察和碳同位素分析.研究结果表明,陡山沱组下部的碳酸盐岩中存在形成于成岩过程中的方解石矿物,而碳酸盐岩中的白云石组分并未遭受严重的后期成岩作用改造,白云石组分的碳同位素(δ13Cdolo)组成能够更加准确地反映沉积时的海水信息.为获得样品的δ13Cdolo信息,本研究首先将全岩粉末样品与30%磷酸反应2 h,去除其中的方解石组分,然后测试残余样品的碳同位素.实验结果显示,该方法可以有效去除岩石粉末中的方解石组分,最终获得的数据能够准确地反映δ13Cdolo特征.陡山沱组二段下部样品δ13Cdol.为连续稳定的正值,且明显高于δ13Cbulk,813Cdolo曲线更加真实地反映了新元古代冰期结束之后海洋碳同位素组成的变化特征.
The Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in the Yangtze Gorges area of South China records several prominent carbonate carbon isotope(δ13Ccarb)shifts,some of which have also been recognized elsewhere in South China and around the world.However,the extremely negative 813Ccarb values(<-30‰,VPDB)occurred in cap carbonate,and the 813Ccarb fluctuations between positive and negative values in the overlying strata of the lower Doushantuo Formation,are exclusive to some specific Ediacaran sections in the Yangtze Gorges area of South China.The prevailing hypothesis attributes these irregular isotope features to the occurrence of diagenetic carbonate minerals,raising concerns about the reliability of utilizing bulk rock inorganic carbon isotope data(813Cbulk)to reveal paleo-oceanic carbon isotope information.To assess the potential impact of diagenesis on δ13Cbulk and to obtain the original δ13C signal of ancient seawater,comprehensive studies including petrologic observations and carbon isotopic measurements were conducted on a drill core of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation at Wuhe,Yichang of Hubei Province.The results indicate the presence of diagenetic calcite in the lower Doushantuo Formation dolostones,and limited late-stage diagenetic alteration for the dolomites.These observations highlight that,in contrast to 813Cbulk,the carbon isotope composition of dolomites(δ13Cdolo)from samples in Member Ⅰ and lower Member Ⅱ of the Doushantuo Formation may have higher potential to record contemporaneous seawater signals.To acquire the 813Cdolo from the analyzed carbonate rocks,the bulk rock powders were reacted with 30%phosphoric acid for 2 hours to remove calcite minerals.The experiment on the mixture of calcite and dolomite powder with known carbon isotopic compositions indicates that calcite can be completely removed after this reaction.The results show that 813Cdolo values of samples from the lower Member Ⅱ of the Doushantuo Formation are consistently positive and significantly higher than theirδ13Cbulk values,probably reflecting the primary variation of oceanic carbon isotope composition following the termination of the Neoproterozoic global glaciation.
EdiacaranDoushantuo Formationcarbon isotope compositiondolomitecalcitediagenesis
《地质学报》 2024 (3)