Consensus-based Power Coordinated Control of AC/DC Microgrid Cluster with Multiple Interconnected Converters
To enhance the operation stability,reliability,and control flexibility of an AC/DC microgrid cluster system with multiple interconnected converters,a consensus-based power coordinated control strategy is proposed in this pa-per.The control system includes the flexible control of interconnected DC-DC and DC-AC converters,as well as the droop control of AC and DC microgrids.Both the interconnected DC-AC and DC-DC converters adopt dual-loop control,in which the outer loop combines consensus-based coupling control and power sharing,while the inner loop adopts virtu-al synchronous generator control and phase shift control,respectively.By using the proposed control method,the goals of power coordination and mutual support among subsystems,power sharing between multiple interconnected convert-ers,and adaptive smooth transition between among operating modes can be achieved simultaneously on the basis of on-ly locally measuring the frequency or DC voltage information.Finally,the effectiveness of the proposed method is veri-fied by a simulation model established in PSCAD/EMTDC.
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AC/DC microgrid clustercoordinated controlinterconnected converterlocal measurementpower shar-ingsmooth transition
《电力系统及其自动化学报》 2024 (4)