Analysis and Verification of Dynamic Wireless Charging System for Substation Inspection Robot
To improve the degree of intelligence of a substation and cut down the cost of inspection,substation in-spection robots instead of the human labor are employed to perform daily inspections.However,the battery life greatly limits the work of inspection robots,so the full-time inspection cannot be realized.To solve this problem,a dynamic wireless charging method is used to charge the robots,so that the robots can perform inspections while charging and real-ize full-time inspection.In this paper,the relationship between coil mutual inductance and system efficiency is analyzed at first.Then,aimed at the segmented primary coil rails used in the dynamic wireless charging system,a soft-switching method for rails is put foiward to reduce the inrush current during the switching process,thus protecting the circuit com-ponents.Finally,the influence of coil mutual inductance on the system efficiency was verified by experimental results,and the feasibility and effectiveness of the soft-switching method for rails was also proved.
中国电力科学研究院,北京 100192中国电力科学研究院,北京 100192中国电力科学研究院,北京 100192中国电力科学研究院,北京 100192中国电力科学研究院,北京 100192
Substation inspection robotwireless chargingswitching of primary coil railssoft-switching
《电源学报》 2024 (2)
中国电力科学研究院基金资助项目(5242001900 D0)This work is supported by Project of China Electric Power Re-search Institute under the grant 5242001900D0