Analysis of Agronomionc Traits and Economic Be-nefits of Model of Increasing Ratoon Sugarcane Years by Replantion with GF296 Seed Cane
利用桂辐98-296(GF296)甘蔗种茎直接补种桂糖44号的第3年宿根蔗,探究延长宿根2年的可行性,为进一步推广甘蔗种茎直接补种延长宿根年限新技术提供依据.选取完成砍收的桂糖44号(GT44)第2年宿根蔗地块作为试验地,利用桂辐98-296种茎对其缺株断垄蔗畦进行直接补种,调查种茎直接补种延长1年宿根年限(即GT44宿根蔗第3年)的混合群体1(简称"混1")[GF296种茎直接补种的新植+GT44延长第1年宿根(简称"宿根1")]和补种延长2年宿根年限(即GT44宿根蔗第3年)的混合群体2(简称"混2")[GF296种茎直接补种后第1年宿根蔗+GT44延长第2年宿根蔗(简称"宿根2")],以及其对应年份的不补种群体为对照CK1、CK2,调查上述群体的农艺性状指标和经济效益.实验结果表明,补种后第1年混1群体中,GF296出苗率86.25%、成茎率81.43%,达到了生产上的正常水平;GT44宿根1发株率与CK1相当;混1群体的蔗茎产量为87.79 t/hm2,比CK1增产22.52 t/hm2,增幅达34.50%,差异达极显著水平;混1群体比CK1增收7114.10元/hm2,制糖企业增收15950.00元/hm2.混2群体中,GF296宿根蔗的发株率高达226.56%,而GT44宿根蔗2与CK2的发株率分别为68.91%、65.51%,两者也基本处于同一水平;混2群体的蔗茎产量为91.85 t/hm2,比CK2增产50.29t/hm2,增幅达121.01%,差异亦达极显著水平;混2与CK2经济效益比较,蔗农纯增收20116.00元/hm2,制糖企业增效39614.00元/hm2.GF296种茎直接补种GT44宿根蔗,从农艺性状的表现是可行的,能有效延长了2年宿根年限,从经济效益而言是划算的,适宜大面积推广.
Guifu 98-296(GF296)seed canes were replanted back to supplement ratoon sugar-cane GT44 of the third year to see the possibility of extending ratoon life by 2 years,thus providing a basis for promoting the new technology for extending life of the ratoon sugarcane seed canes by di-rect replantation with seed cane.The plot of second-year ratoon sugarcane of GT44 after harvesting was selected as the test site.GF296 seed canes were used to directly replant the field lack of sugar-cane crops to investigate agronomic trait indexes and economic benefits of Mixed Group 1 for ex-tending 1 year of ratoon sugarcane life(the third year of GT44 ratoon sugarcane)by direct replanta-tion with seed canes[direct replantation of newly planted GF296 seed canes +GT44 ratoon with 1 year extended(Ratoon 1)]and Mixed Group 2 for extending 2 years of ratoon sugarcane life(the third year of GT44 ratoon sugarcane)by replantation with seed canes[ratoon sugarcane of the first year after direct replantation with GF296 seed canes +ratoon sugarcane GT44 with 2 years extended(Ratoon 1)],taking the groups without replantation of the same year as CK1 and CK2.The result showed that:1 year after replantation in Mixed Group 1,germination rate and stem formation rate of GF296 were 86.25%and 81.43%,indicating average level in production;the cane germination rate of GT44 Ratoon 1 was at the same level as that of CK1;the cane yield of Mixed Group 1 was 87.79 t/hm2,which was 22.52 t/hm2 higher than that of CK1(an increase of 34.50%),indicating a extremely significant difference;Mixed Group 1 increased the income by 7114.10 yuan/hm2,lifting the income of sugar producer by 15950.00 yuan/hm2.In Mixed Group 2,the cane germination rate of ratoon sug-arcane was 226.56%,while the cane germination rates of GT44 Ratoon 2 and CK2 were 68.91%and 65.51%,the two maintained at the same level;the cane yield of Mixed Group 2 was 91.85t/hm2,which was 50.29 t/hm2 higher than that of CK2,with an increase of 121.01%,also indicating an ex-tremely significant difference.Comparing the economic benefits of Mixed Group 2 and CK2,the net income increase of sugarcane farmers was 20116.00 yuan/hm2 and the profit increase of sugar pro-ducers was 39614.00 yuan/hm2.Directly replanting GT44 sugarcane with G98-296 seed cane is fea-sible in terms of agronomic traits,which can extend 2 years of ratoon life,so it is cost-effective from the perspective of economic income,therefore it is suitable for large-scale popularization.
百色市农牧渔技术推广中心,广西百色 533000广西壮族自治区农业科学院甘蔗研究所/广西甘蔗遗传改良重点实验室/农业农村部广西甘蔗生物技术与遗传改良重点实验室,广西南宁 530007广西壮族自治区农业科学院甘蔗研究所/广西甘蔗遗传改良重点实验室/农业农村部广西甘蔗生物技术与遗传改良重点实验室,广西南宁 530007合山市岭南镇农业农村综合服务中心,广西来宾 546599广西壮族自治区农业科学院甘蔗研究所/广西甘蔗遗传改良重点实验室/农业农村部广西甘蔗生物技术与遗传改良重点实验室,广西南宁 530007贵港市覃塘区农业农村局,广西贵港 537100百色市农牧渔技术推广中心,广西百色 533000百色市农牧渔技术推广中心,广西百色 533000柳州市柳江区甘蔗技术推广站,广西柳州 545100南宁市良庆区良庆镇农业服务中心,广西南宁 530201
GF 98-296GT44ratoon sugarcaneratoon life extension
《农业研究与应用》 2023 (6)