

Analysis on annual variation of effective utilization coefficient of farmland irrigation water in Hezhou City from 2018 to 2023



As the ratio of the net irrigation water used by crops to the total irrigation water diversion at the head of wa-ter source canal,the effective utilization coefficient of farmland irrigation water can reflect the situation of canal wa-ter diversion,farmland water use and irrigation project,the water management level and irrigation technology level.The effective utilization coefficients of irrigation water were calculated by head and tail measuring method for the 18 sample irrigation zones selected in Hezhou City,based on which the effective utilization coefficient of farmland irri-gation water of the whole city was calculated.Through the comparative analysis of the annual variation of the effec-tive utilization coefficient of irrigation water from 2018 to 2023,it is found that the effective utilization coefficient of farmland irrigation water is increasing year by year in Hezhou City,and is expected to keep a gentle growth trend in the coming period.


广西桂东水电勘测设计院有限责任公司,广西 梧州 543001



effective utilization coefficient of irrigation waterhead and tail measuring methodsample irrigation zoneannual variationHezhou City

《广西水利水电》 2024 (2)

