

Study on Toughening and Strengthening Properties of Polypropylene Composites



In this paper,the effects of modified calcium carbonate,POE,glass fiber and carbon fiber on the properties of PP composites were studied.The results show that with the gradual increase of modified CaCO3 content,the tensile strength and impact strength of PP composites increase first and then decrease.When the modified CaCO3 content is 2wt%,the tensile strength is 23.7 MPa and the impact strength is 17 kJ·m-2.With the increase of POE addition,the tensile strength and bending modulus of the composite decrease,while the impact strength increases.When the addition of POE exceeds 17wt%,the increase of impact strength slows down.Considering the mechanical properties and economy,the addition of POE is determined to be 17wt%~20wt%.After the addition of glass fiber,the tensile strength and bending modulus of the composite are increased,and the impact strength is significantly decreased.However,when the addition of glass fiber is more than 10wt%,the tensile strength and bending modulus of the composite are gradually increased,and the impact strength is significantly decreased.It is found by SEM that the impact section of composite material is rough,there are more sheet structures,and some of them can be seen obvious"wire drawing"shape,which is a typical ductile fracture feature.The glass fiber and carbon fiber are distributed randomly in the resin matrix,forming enough skeleton network to strengthen and toughen.


国家能源集团宁夏煤业公司煤炭化学工业技术研究院,宁夏银川 750411国家能源集团宁夏煤业公司煤炭化学工业技术研究院,宁夏银川 750411国家能源集团宁夏煤业公司煤炭化学工业技术研究院,宁夏银川 750411国家能源集团宁夏煤业公司煤炭化学工业技术研究院,宁夏银川 750411



polypropyleneglass fibrecarbon fiber

《合成材料老化与应用》 2024 (2)

